Four Essential Nutrients That Can Help You Satiated for Longer

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HealthyPatterns - Boredom, stress, and sadness can also affect your appetite. And then whether it's satisfyingly always make you fat? Before answering these questions, you should understand the following explanation first. 

Are you really hungry? 

The brain takes around 20 minutes to receive a message about what is going on in the stomach (hunger and satiety). Well, to find out if you are really hungry, it's good you drink a couple of glasses of water before you start eating, because the body that dehydration also can trigger hunger. This way You will avoid from excessive eating patterns. 

Glut food 
Following this there are four essential nutrients can help you satiated for longer: 

The Protein glut was more than carbohydrate or fat. In the presence of protein at each meal You like eggs, hard boiled eggs or omelets at breakfast, fish, milk, or yogurt, can help you full longer. 

Complex Carbohydrates 
Complex carbohydrates have a stable sugar levels because it contains complex sugar molecules and not Digest quickly. This makes the body has an energy in a longer period because the sugar levels in the bloods are not increased or decreased drastically.Complex carbohydrates also provide stimulus serotonin in the body, i.e., compounds that control emotions and also talking lust meal.Examples of foods containing complex carbohydrates include Brown rice, whole wheat, and petrol, sweet, and much more. 

Good Fats 
When dieting, your body requires fats (good fats). Good fats in the diet cans stimulate hormones that help dieters feel full longer. Healthy fat sources can be obtained from fish, seeds, or nuts. Food can also be consumed as a snack menu. 

Add fiber-rich foods such as cereals, vegetables, and fresh fruits in the breakfast menu. Foods rich in fiber can help you full faster, as well as help improve digestive health whiles dieting. Increase consumption of vegetables and fruits in the diet menu and get the nutritional importance. 

That's a couple of ways you can try to keep your stomach full while dieting. So whether it's satisfyingly fattening? As long as you understand the above process, and how to keep the stomach remains full, then full won't fatten.


A Healthy Drink to Achieve An Ideal Weight

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HealthyPatterns - Have a diet menu variations to achieve ideal body target you want is important. This includes providing variations on the drink you consume. At the moment, an awful lot of drinks that are sold in the market with a high sugar content, complete with coloring and artificial sweeteners are not clear origin. This of course has an adverse effect on the health of the body, and we are not going to be at the maximum with the condition continues to consume the drinks. 

Here there are five natural and healthy drinks you can consume diet to maximize the yield and improve your health. 

Orange Juice 
Favorite drink that can be made as the variation in diet menu is orange juice Orange juice has a natural freshness and easy in that they are presented. In addition, orange juice is rich in vitamin C and healthy fitonutrisi. eight ounces of orange juice is equivalent to the content of potassium in bananas. With so many vitamins and nutrients in it, orange juice has believed many people can lower high blood pressure. 

Apple Juice 
Apple Juice drink that should be present in Your diet menu. Serving Apple Juice did not need extra sugar because the sugar content of Apple has enough to get a taste of sweetness. Fresh Apple Juice contains many beneficial vitamins and minerals. Malic acid contained in apples may become additional power during the exercise. The old saying "an apple a day can keep the doctor away ' has stood the test of truth, after many clinical researches that proves that Apple can prevents heart disease and lowering cholesterol. 

Cranberry Juice 
The other is the healthiest drink cranberry juice. The ability of antioxidants contained in cranberry juice have been known for a long time, i.e. as a treatment for urine tract infection. Acidic properties of cranberry juice could inhibit the growth of bacteria causes infection. Cranberry juice diet menu can get you in a fit condition every day. 

Red Grape Juice 
Red wine contains approximately 175 calories in each serving of 8 ounces. The red grape skins contain resveratol compounds that are believed to have the ability to prevent cancer. Content of resveratol in red wine more than white wine. In addition, red wine is a fruit that is rich in potassium and vitamin C to support the success of your diet. 

Tomato Juice 
Tomato juice drink is most popular amongst dieters because it contains only 45 calories and a variety of essential nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C and lycopene, beta-carotene which is useful to keep eye health and increase durability of the body. 

In addition to the above, drink you can also combine several fruit and vegetable such as mango, pineapple, carrots, and spinach. By combining fresh fruits and vegetables, and of course, the health benefits that You will get a lot more. 

Enjoy your healthy menus and healthy living.


A Healthy Diet Method With Micronutrients

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HealthyPatterns - A healthy diet method must be balanced with fulfillment needs the nutrients of the body. Besides the need for macronutrient like carbs, proteins, and fats, the body also need adequate amounts of micronutrients. Although not needed in large quantities, the body needs micronutrients would be sure can provides significant advances for the success of your diet, especially in maximizing fat burning in your body. 

The following are some of the micronutrients you need to help lose weight effectively and optimally. 

Calcium  and  Vitamin D 
A recent study shows, that with the consumption of foods with sufficient calcium content can help you in losing weight. Calcium is a mineral that is stored in fat cells and plays an important role in regulating the storage and the breakdown of fat cells in our body. You may already know if vitamin D along with calcium, this is because vitamin D is important for calcium absorption and recently got a lot of attention because it can help prevent chronic diseases, like diabetes, cancer, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and hypertension. 

Omega 3 
Next to the body of essential nutrient is Omega 3. Studies show that overweight people who follow weight loss program (including by exercising) are likely to be able to control blood sugar and cholesterol levels better when eating fish rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. The research team from the University of South Australia points out, that when Omega 3 combined with a low calorie diet and increased physical activity, the effect of fish oil will have a significant impact on the decrease of the body. Omega 3 fatty acids can increase the blood flow to the muscle cells during exercise and help stimulate the enzyme that transports fat to be used as energy. 

Vitamin C 
Vitamin C is also important for weight loss. Research in Arizona has found a direct relationship between the content of vitamin C in the blood flow to the body's ability to burn fat for energy.This is because vitamin C has an important role in the oxidations of fat helps weight loss. According to researchers, people who consume enough vitamin C can burn fat by 30% during exercise, compared to those without enough consumption. 

Chromium Picolinate 
These nutrients can reduce one's desire to be a sweet food and hunger, which can support Your diet program. Chromium Picolinate works by increasing the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, which can help lower high blood pressure and cholesterol. 

Well, now you already know some of the essential nutrients that will help optimizes Your diet program. Immediately fill your nutritional needs by consuming a healthy diet menu or take supplements. 


Peanut Butter As A Menu of Healthy Diet

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HealthyPatterns - Peanut butter has long been known as a menu of healthy diet to help lose weight. Even a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association said that by consuming one ounce (2 tablespoons) peanut butter for five days a week can lower the risk of diabetes by up to 30%. 

Dailyspark site mentions, behind the healthy benefits of peanut butters are some of the interesting facts that peanut butter is like: 
  • Peanut butter was introduced first time in America in 1904 
  • Peanut butter consumption reached 1,3 kg/person per year 
  • Men prefer peanut butter rough-textured 
  • Children until the age of 12 years was fond of eating peanut butter because it tastes savory 
  • Women and children are more like a soft peanut butter 
  • 12 ounces of peanut butter equals 540 peanuts. 

Nutritional and Health Benefits of peanut butter 

These foods contain a variety of essential nutrients your body needs. Each of the two tablespoons of peanut butter contain; 3 milligrams of vitamin E as an antioxidant, 49 milligrams of magnesium to build bone, 208 milligrams potassium is good for the muscles of the body, and 0.17 milligrams of vitamin B6 for immune boosting. 

Peanut butter also rich in protein, fiber and unsaturated fats, so that it can make the stomach is satiated longer, healthy digestive system, and did not make weight gain. Experts believe that patient who suffered insulin resistance then consuming foods rich in unsaturated fats, such as peanut butter, have flab on the stomach less than those who consumed fatty foods that are saturated. Peanut butter also contains polyphenols, an antioxidant that is able to neutralize the free radicals that have the capability of destroying the cells and tissues of the body that can trigger cancer. Not only that, peanut butter is also a major source of resveratol, a potent antioxidants in preventing various diseases such as, heart disease, degenerative nerve, Alzheimer's disease, viral infections and fungi. 

To get the health benefits at the same times, maximize your diet program, use whole wheat bread with peanut butter. Bread made from wheat contain more nutrients and lower in calories than bread flour, so that when combined with the brand of peanut butter on it, then you can get a double benefit.


The Best Source of Protein for Vegetarians

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HealthyPatterns - Protein needs for the body is important, but for vegetarians it became a particular concern, given the biggest source of protein found in many foods of animal nature. However, it does not mean that the protein needs of vegetarians are not optimally can be obtained, because the approach and planning the right diet patterns may provide adequate protein intake for you vegetarians.First, let's get to know some type of vegetarian. 

Know The Types Of Vegetarians 
Basically there are a lots of kinds or types of vegetarians. However, if seen from the type and amount of animal products that can be consumed, then type this vegetarian is widely classified into three groups, namely: 

Lacto Vegetarian 
Vegetarians who do not eat any type of meat (red meat, poultry or fish) and eggs. But still consuming milk and eggs. 

Lacto Ovo Vegetarian 
Vegetarians who do not eat any type of meat but still eat dairy. 

Vegetarians who do not consume meat, eggs and dairy or other animal products. 

Pesca Vegetarian 
A Vegetarian who doesn't eat red meat and poultry but still consume eggs, milk and meat and fish. 

Vegetarians should still consume meat and petrol products. 

A Vegetarian who only eat fruits, grains and beans are rich in vitamin E and is useful for skin and beauty make the Ageless. 

Raw Foodist 
Consuming raw foods, because the cooking process is considered may damage the nutrient content of food. 

Sources Of Protein For Vegetarians 
Eat different types of food such as below, with a sufficient amount of every day, will help you meet the daily protein needs. 

You can consume the string beans, peas, beans, lentils, white beans, green beans, cashews, peanuts, walnuts and almonds. 

Dairy products 
Consists of all products made from milk. Choose milk, yogurt, and cheese without the low-fat, for your daily consumption. Look for products that contain little or no preservatives and additives. 

Cereal and grains 
You can consume various types of cereal crops, such as wheat plants and petrol products, oats, etc. 

Algae (Algae) 
Blue-green algae, one example of which is already known, namely spirulina, is a group of 1500 species of microscopic aquatic plants. The two most common types are consumed by humans, namely Spirulina maxima and Spirulina platensis. 

Is a source of protein-rich crops of high quality isoflavin and enriched that is able to prevent diseases such as cancer, breast, colon, prostate cancer, Lung-lung, uterine cancer. 

Vegetables and fruits 
Rich in vitamins and minerals essential to various needs of the body and have been shown to provide protection against a variety of diseases and disorders of digestion when dieting. 

Although not a vegetarian source of protein for animal protein source, but by setting up a proper diet vegetarian protein needs can be fulfilled optimally.


How Water Works in Losing Weight

HealthyPatterns - Many people assume that drinking plenty of water can thwarts efforts to lose weight. When in fact, the lack of white water consumption can cause a build-up of extra fat on the body that results in increased weight. 

How Water Works in losing weight? 
As we know that the liver converts fat into fuel. Without the consumption of enough water, the kidneys will not be functioning at optimal levels. As a result, the liver will work extra hard to help the kidneys do its job. And in the end the liver cannot function properly. Some fat will remains in the body and cannot be converted to calories. This causes the increase of the weight. 

Drinking plain water each day in an adequate amount of liver performs its function, allowing to burn fat and calories by converting them into optimal. Our bodies contain more than 60% of the water. When the body gets enough water, he will try to keep all the water into the cells while the rest will be expelled through the urine. Drinking water in sufficient quantities can also reduce hunger. Drink several glasses of water before a meal can also be an effective way to prevent overeating that can lead to weight gain. 

People who have an excess weight it is advisable to drink at least eight glasses of water each day. Even some studies prove, that ice water or cold water also helps burn calories, to help increase the body's metabolism. If you are not accustomed to drinking white water in large quantities, quickly, drank in large quantities, at first it will feel uncomfortable and even you will frequent urination. This is reasonable and as time passes, your body will gets used to the new eating habits of the white water. 

Another Benefit Of Consuming Water White 
Besides help lose weight, consuming the white water also has a variety of positive benefits to health, such as: 

Prevent Heart Disease 
According to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, people who are accustomed to drinking water more than five glasses per day may decrease the risk of heart disease by 36 percent. 

Preventing Migraines 
According to researchers from the University of Masstricht, Netherlands, drank seven glasses of plain water a day can relieve headaches and improve the quality of life of migraine sufferers.Researchers say that the headaches experienced by migraine sufferers can be reduced in January if they drink a little over 1.5 liters of water. 

Increase The Sharpness Of The Brain 
The brain requires oxygen to work optimally. With drinking water, you can ensure that the brain of oxygen needs have been met. Even with drinking 8-10 glasses of water per day can improve the cognitive ability of the brain by 30 percent. 

Prevent Premature Aging 
Dry skin is one cause of the occurrence of premature aging. Water can hydrate the skin, making it look fresh and free from dry skin, making your face youthful despite the age increased. 

So, make it a habit to drink plain water from now on, for  a better  live


The Importance of Consuming Fruit Every Day

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Fruit consumption is one way to meet the needs of the body will be in fiber and vitamins, as well as take sickness away from the body. In fact, with consumption of fruits may reduce the risk of stomach or intestinal disease.  Aortic aneurysm is a widening of the area of the aorta, arteries that are large and located around belly. If not taken care of and treated correctly, the aorta will rupture and cause bleeding that led to the death.  
In a new study published in the journal Circulation, the researchers have analyzed the more than 80,000 people aged between 45 and 84 years who comes from Sweden. The participants then observed for a period of 13 years.  In that period, there were 1,100 attendees who suffered an aneurysm of the aorta. And 222 of them suffered a ruptured aorta.  After analyzing the participants ' eating habits, the researchers found those who ate two pieces per day have a smaller risk for contracted the disease. They determine the risk of those who ate fruit 25 percent smaller abdominal aortic aneurysm to experience, and 43 percent lower to experience ruptured aorta.  
The researchers say, the content of antioxidants contained in the fruit can help fight inflammation. It became one important factor to protect someone from aortic aneurysm disease. "Consumption of the fruit regularly may help fight off many diseases of the blood vessels, one of which is demonstrated by this study is the aortic aneurysm disease for the stomach," said study leader Dr. Otto Stackelberg, a student of nutrition epidemiology Institute of Environmental Medicine at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm. 

So, Eat Fruit every day is healthy for the body isn't it?


Restrictions On Drinking Green Tea

Taking something in a way that could harm indeed excessive. For example, green tea, a drink that is known to be able to provide rich benefits for health. But, do you know if too many are consuming green tea can cause proved to be contraindicated. Green tea has benefits such as weight loss because it can increase the body's metabolism. Green tea is also able to fight the flu because it strengthens the immune system of the body. This drink also is soothing so distanced from the stress. Not only that, the green tea is rich in antioxidants can fight free radicals. And experts also recommend it as a deterrent to some types of cancer. 

Dr. Zuo Feng Zhang, a cancer epidemiology researcher from the University of California and the University of Maryland Medical Center says, consumption of two to three cups of green tea per day can delivers proven health benefits. A study showed, the consumption of five cups of green tea per day can lowers the risk of gastric cancer. Other research concluded, drank seven cups of green tea daily were able to lose weight. And many more other research showing the benefits of green tea along with a number of recommendations that should be consumed. 

But, if you consume more than 10 cups of green tea per day, will trigger a number of disease so that the benefits to be obtained is not worth the risk. There are several negative consequences from consumption of green tea is too excessive. The content of tannin in green tea or black tea can lower the ability of absorption of folic acid, an important vitamin that helps lower the risk of birth defects. So for those of you who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, should reduce the consumption of green tea. Two cups a day is enough, or even not eating at all. Green tea is also known to interfere with iron absorption so that expert advise not to consume green tea after a meal. 

So, how many cups of green tea that you drink today?


Micronutrients Deficiencies Associated with Obesity

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HealthyPatterns - Even though it takes very little in number, but the micronutrients deficiencies can have a major impact for our health. Micronutrients deficiencies at the moment is often associated with obesity. What is meant by micro-nutrients are vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, calcium, etc. Nutritional experts around the world at the moment is trying to uncover the numbers of obesity are very high in the United States. According to data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, one-third of the population in the US are obese.

The experts are still looking for the important things that have not been successfully found in the obesity epidemic in the US. One study found a link between vitamin and mineral deficiencies, e.g. CoQ10 micronutrients with obesity. In a variety of research conducted by observing the pregnant mother and found a constant variable, the experts concluded, that people who are overweight, 80 percent of them suffer micronutrients deficiency. Other research supports this theory. In a study revealed children who are overweight in general suffer from a deficiency of vitamin d. those who lack this vitamin in General has a number of more fat.

Meanwhile, a report of 2011 mentions, that 9 out of 10 Americans malnutrition stemming from their food. A less important nutrients are consumed, among others, vitamin D, calcium, potassium, and fiber. Another thing that strengthens, most Americans consume various types of drugs, either over-the-counter or prescription. In fact, these drugs can reduce the absorption of vitamins and minerals. These facts indicate that micronutrients deficiencies turned out to have a huge impact.



Several Unique Fact About Hamburger

HealthyPatterns - Although these foods are categorized as junk food, but the burger remains popular and has no shortage of fans. Some people argued, burger which comes with salad and tomato are healthier to eat. When in fact, the salt content is contained in a burger is quite high. Coupled with the use of processed meats, which have adverse effects to health. Regardless of controversy, there's no harm in us to know some interesting facts about the foods that were originally in the form of a sandwich.

1. The first Burger
The Burger was first discovered by someone named Louis Lassen. Starting in 1900, Lassen presents sandwich meat, referred to as hamburger. Why is it called so?, because the name hamburger contains the name his hometown of Hamburg, Germany.

2. The biggest Burger
The world's largest burgers served in Las Vegas under the name Quadruple Bypass Burger. Guinness World Record even sees them as the most calorie burger in the entire world.

3. Replace the name
During the first world war, the United States Government wants to rename the hamburger with the name "liberty sandwiches". Unfortunately, this renaming effort did not succeed.

4. Consumption
Experts say this food consumption in the U.S.. reached 13 million burgers per year. If unfolded, that amount is equivalent to a distance of 32 times round the world.

5. The choice of a-listers
Did you know the King of Rock n ' Roll Elvis Presley is a big fan of burgers? Chanter said the song "Can't Help Falling in Love" it's always time to eat a burger in her.

6. Hall of fame
In Seymour, Wisconsin, USA, there is the Hamburger Hall of Fame or Reputation Gallery for hamburger. If you are a big fan of this food, you might need to go into the city.

7. Hamburger Perfume
These fragrances created specifically for those interested in the meat. To get the sensation of meat hamburgers, made a product called Flame. These products are created from meat that was burned.



Drink Hot Chocolate Can Prevent Dementia

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HealthyPatterns - Drink two cups of hot chocolate every day can be a healthy way to prevent dementia. The benefits obtained from the antioxidants that indeed there are many in this cocoa fruit. Researchers from Harvard University, mentions, flavonoids and antioxidants contained in the chocolate will help blood flow. The research they do indicate that the elderly who drank hot chocolate may help to prevent dementia. 

Dementia is a progressive disorder that damages the nervous system which results in a collection of symptoms. Some of the features of the most common dementia is a decline in memory, reasoning, judging, as well as talking. Maintain blood flow remains smoothly so that oxygen and glucose into energy for the brain, it is very important to maintain cognitive function. 

The study involved 60 respondents aged an average of 73 years. They do not suffer from dementia although 18 people have impaired blood flow, which is measured based on sound waves. After routinely drank hot chocolate, the respondents who experienced the meunjukkan blood flow disorders increased blood circulation which is followed by an increase in working memory brain. But the blood circulation on respondents since the beginnings are indeed normal, hot chocolate was not too influential in enhancing cognitive ability. 

"We learn more about the flow of blood to the brain and its influence on the ability to think, as some areas in the brain requires more energy to be able to work optimally, it is therefore necessary that blood flow very smoothly," said Dr. Farzaneh Sorond, a teacher from Harvard Medical School. Although research suggests flavonoids contained in chocolate can prevents dementia diseases, but research shows no difference between those who drank the chocolate is rich in flavonoids and those who drank chocolate with low in flavonoids. It proves there is another substance content in the hot chocolate which may have an effect on brain function.


Sweet Drinks Becoming A Source of Obesity for Children

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Although obesity is not caused by one type of food, but the kids who frequent consumption of sugary drinks tend to be experiencing weight gain compared to other children. In a study conducted on children age 2-5 years, delivering results that, children who often drink sweet beverages has the possibility to experience obesity by 43 percent. Not only that, children with two years old who drank sweet drinks once per day will increase weight with a higher risk in the next few years. 

Although this study does not indicate a causal relationship, but parents are advised to provide drinks to children as water or milk instead of sugary drinks. "It cannot be said that reducing sugary drinks can prevent obesity, but there is the option of a healthy source of calories and unhealthy. Sweet drink was not the source of the beverage could provide nutrients to the child, "said Dr. Mark DeBoer, a pediatrician from the University of Virginia. 

Water is a beverage that is sugar-free and very good to overcome a sense of thirst. Another option, according to DeBoer, is milk. "Milk contains vitamin D, calcium and protein. Protein and fat contained in the milk can makes a child feel full so that the child is not too like to snacking when compared with children who were given a sweet drink, "he said. There are several factors that can lead to overweight children, heredity, diet, and physical activity. But, sweet beverage is the main cause of obesity. 

"These drinks taste good, cheap, and its ads are everywhere and so many people like it," said Dr. Anisha Patel, a pediatrician. According to the study, children's caloric intake can be reduced by up to 235 calories from diets if they replace the drinks sweetened with plain water. Meanwhile, the link between sugary drinks with adults have also been revealed by research. Adults who are overweight due to genetic factors, will increase his weight more quickly if they frequently consume sweet beverages.


A Healthy Way to Cook Spinach

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HealthyPatterns - Spinach is one of the complete nutritional content of vegetables. Spinach is one source of fiber, iron, flavonoids, vitamins E and C, manganese, zinc, and others. Spinach also has benefits for digestive tract smooth, prevents constipation and maintain blood sugar levels to remain stable. But from the myriad benefits of spinach, a vegetable that is often a tedious, especially for children. This is due to the way of cooking in General. In fact many ways to cook the spinach. Check out tasty and healthy way to cook spinach here. 
1. Put the spinach into a salad 
The Salad is one way for healthy to eat vegetables. So it doesn't hurt to put the spinach into a salad once in a while to replace lettuce. 
2. Tuck the spinach between bread sandwich 
Give the tomato slices, spinach, carrots, mayonnaise, grilled chicken pieces until between whole wheat bread. Be delicious sandwich can be a healthy choice for your lunch. 
3. Cook spinach with pasta 
There are several ways to cook spinach with pasta. Spinach can be flaked knives for small mixed with pasta sauce, or use pasta made from spinach. Boil the pasta with a little extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper. then put the piece of spinach and drain well. 
4. Combine spinach with curry sauce 
Spinach can be cooked into a healthy and tasty Curry. The way is by destroying the spinach and Potato Curry recipe and cooked a la India. 
5. Make a Spinach Sauce 
Cut the spinach thinly and mix it with cream cheese or mayonnaise. Use this sauce to dip your favorite bread or biscuits. 
6. Spinach Chips 
This method is probably the most liked by the children. Fried spinach leaves until crisp like chips, then add a little spice to boost the taste. 
7. Pizza with sprinkles of spinach 
Besides the cheese, bacon, broccoli, or spinach, peppers also can be used as pizza toppings. Place the spinach on top of pizza dough, mix it with cheese and some other toppings, then bake.

Frozen Yogurt is Bad for Health ?

HealthyPatterns - Sprinkles Frozen Yogurt with fresh fruits may look tasty and healthy. However, behind the tongue tastes indulgent, these foods also have risks to health. Yogurt is a result of the fermentation of milk. However, the frozen yogurt sold in the markets are mostly contain high sugar levels with other additives that may be risky for health. 

Researchers from Yale University Prevention Research Center, David Katz says, frozen yogurt precisely does not provide the benefits expected from the consumption of yogurt. Frozen Yogurt instead of plain yogurt alternative, but an alternative meal of ice cream, "he said. Most types of frozen yogurt contains addictive ingredients like maltodextrin, sodium citrate, disodium phosphate, cellulose, propylene glycol monoester, and other ingredients that should not exist in the food. There are also deposits of carrageenan, which is a compound of Red seaweed which is known to have bad effect for health. According to Katz, the chemicals mixed into food is extremely harmful to the body. Therefore, he emphasized to limit consumption of chemicals in food. 

Despite that, the bigger problem may come from ingredients that are addictive, such as artificial sugars. Sugar is an artificial material with many terms, such as fructose, corn syrup, fruit juice from kontrentrat, polidekstrosa, dextrose, aspartame, and other terms. However, all of the above terms refer to one thing, namely sugar. Has become a common thing in case of excess consumption of sugar gives the effect of being bad for health. Several studies have shown that sugar can trigger the destruction of blood vessels, the brain, the heart, to be bad for weight loss. 

Then in order not to get caught up in selecting healthy foods, you need to cultivate checking food labels before purchasing. Make sure you do not buy food with the composition of the materials are not known. In addition, we recommend that You restrict yourself to eating sugary foods.


A Safe Limit for Sugar and Salt Consumption

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Sugar and salt are two important additional flavorings. However, when consumed excessively both seasoning that seems harmless may increase the risk of heart disease and obesity. Various literature recommended that we reduce the consumption of sugar and salt. But not many people know how a safe limit.

Recommendation for sodium
The U.S. Government recommends that sodium is no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day. If divided based on three meals and two snacks time, this means a maximum of one meal is limited to 460 mg sodium. Too much sodium bad for blood pressure and increase the risk of heart disease.

Recommendations for sugar
The Institute of Medicine recommends additional sugar to no more than 25 percent of total calories. for a 2,000-calorie diet, eating the sugars are authorized only 200 calories or equivalent 12.5 teaspoon.

The Heart Association recommends an additional 6 teaspoon sugar for women and 8 teaspoons for men. If sugar is consumed along with sodium, then it should be considered again dividing portions.Naturally also the sugar found in fruit, vegetables, and dairy products. The sugar binds with the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, and the meal. Added sugars found in processed foods such as soda, candy and cake. In this dish the sugar binds with the calories.

Too much sugar cause weight gain, high blood pressure, and metabolic syndrome.Before feeding, check the label on the packaging of nutritional adequacy. How much sugar and salt contained can be found there. Unfortunately there is no mention in label natural sugars and additives.When the food is consumed dried vegetables and fruit, then there is a combination of sugar and additives. However, if consumed at candy or cake, then the sugar is contained fully additional.

Some Dangers of Sugar Consumption

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HealthyPatterns - Although we already know sugar is not good for health, most people do not consider sugar is harmful. At the very least, the sugar is considered to be not as bad as saturated fats, salt or calories. Perhaps this is causing the difficulty of reducing the consumption of sugar. Whereas, in fact most people worldwide consume only 500 extra calories from sugar they eat. Behind the sweetness of sugar, apparently contained the danger should not be underestimated.

Here are ten bad impact of sugar that could be the reason you need to reduce immediately sugar consumption.

1. Sugar can damage the heart
Although it has long been known as one of the risk factors for heart disease, a study in the Journal of the American Heart Association 2013 has finally found solid evidence about the mechanics of how sugar destroys the heart. The study reveals, on the sugar molecule called glucose 6-phosphate caused changes in the heart muscle that leads to heart failure.

2. Sugar can shape abdominal fat
The prevalence of obesity has increased the last few years, both in adults and children. One reason is the high consumption of sugary beverages. A study found the consumption of fructose (a type of sugar) causes excess abdominal fat increased, which increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

3. Sugar can kill us secretly
A study in 2008 revealed the excessive fructose consumption is associated with an increased risk of the condition of leptin resistance. Leptin is a hormone that tells the brain when the stomach is already full. If the body is experiencing resistance leptin, the brain will not feel satisfied even though the body is actually already full. As a result, we cannot stop the urge to eat. In the long run it is certainly causing obesity. It is happening slowly, so people often are unconsciously already experienced it.

4. Sugar can feed cancer cells
Every human being at risk of cancer because it has the cancer cells in his body. However, the body has its own mechanism to turn off the cancer cells so that these cells do not necessarily develop into a deadly cancer. Unfortunately, excessive consumption of sugar will damage the mechanism. Moreover, recent studies reveal, the sugar is good nutrition for the cancer cells to grow.

5. "Addicted" sugar can be lowered
Sugar also are additive so that might be a term for craving sugar. Unfortunately, this sugar addiction may be the genetic can be lowered, because it involves a change in the hormone ghrelin. Ghrelin is a hormone that tells the brain when the body is hungry. However, changes to these hormones will result in the body is hungry and wants to eat constantly.

6. Sugar and alcohol have an effect of toxins that are similar
A study in the journal Nature showed that sugar could be equally dangerous with alcohol. The study pointed out, excessive consumption of fructose and glucose gives the effect of toxins on the liver. This effect was also almost the same as that given by the alcohol.

7. Sugar lowers the brain's ability
Sugar is known to accelerate the aging process of cells, so does the brain cells. So by eating a lot of sugar, brain cells tend to be having functions decline even faster.

8. Sugar is often hiding in food "without sugar"
Reducing sugar is not just a diminishes sweet foods like candy, cakes, cookies, and so forth, because actually there are also foods that are considered without sugar but turned out to contain a lot of sugar. For example ketchup, bread, pastries, and others.

9. Sweet Beverages may shorten lifespan
A study by 2013 estimates there are 180,000 deaths worldwide are caused by consumption of sweet drinks. The researchers concluded, the death probably due to relationship with sweet drinks of risks such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

10. Sugar can makes overweight
The fact is most clearly seen from excessive consumption of sugar. Excess consumption of sugar will donates your calorie intake should be obtained from other foods that contain a lot of nutrients so that unwitting calories that the resources put in excess of the limit calories per day and make the weight gain.