Like it or not, someone's appearance turned out to affect how he was treated at work. Workers who look physically appealing, easier gets promotion. Meanwhile, workers with unattractive physical appearance, more often to bully. The physical appearance of greater effect on how one is treated, rather than age, sex, and duration of work in the Office. "It turns out the same work environment like at school. Although the workers think himself professional and mature, "said researcher Brent Scott from Michigan State University.
The study was conducted through a survey of 114 workers at health facilities in the southeastern United States. The respondents were asked how often his fellow workers do unpleasant things on them. Unpleasant behavior is such a rough attitude, speech, or offense created burlesque by colleagues. In addition, a group of people who do not know any of the respondents displayed a photo of the respondent. They were asked to rate the physical appearance of the respondent.Research reveals, workers who look unattractive is treated more harshly than those that are considered attractive. This treatment includes more job and often ignored when there is a promotion. This research is expected to help corporate leaders create an environment which is more conducive to work. Including giving a fair chance on each worker based on the performance of the work, not just his performance.
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