Lifestyle less motion and less fiber diet may increase the risk of hemorrhoids. Too late to handle the complaint of hemorrhoids can also aggravate the condition of hemorrhoids.Data from the Department of Pathology In the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital said, 30 percent of patients with digestive disorders also have hemorrhoids.Hemorrhoids are enlarged blood vessels behind the bunch (vein) in the anus, directly below the limiting membranes of the rectum and anus. In medical terms, known as hemorrhoids hemorrhoids which is actually a group of blood vessels are veins.Though not a disease that can lead to death but the already severe hemorrhoids can lower the quality of life of the sufferer. Then before severe hemorrhoids happen, we must be careful to recognize the signs of hemorrhoids that soon got the handling.
Dr. Ari Fahrial Sham from the Division of Gastroenterology Department of Pathology In the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital said, signs of hemorrhoids generally cannot be detected early because still not cause symptoms. But there is no harm in paying attention to the following signs in order to get better care and more early.
1. A sense of heat in the anus
A sense of heat occurs typically when sitting too long or after bowel movements . The heat contained in the rectum as a result of the emphasis on the already engorged veins.
2. There is blood
There is fresh blood in toilet paper in the toilet or on the stool after defecating. Enlargement of the blood vessels could be caused by the activity of the bowel spasms. Venous vessels because it is thin and easily broken, bleeding may occur during bowel movements.
3. There is a bulge
Enlargement of the blood vessels can be shaped bulges out of the anus. Usually if there are bulges that hemorrhoids have entered the next stage. If the bulge is still can be placed into anal spontaneously, then that is too severe hasn't hemorrhoid but have had to get treatment.
4. The pain
Pain in the anus especially after defecation. Pain could be a result of a burst blood vessel, especially because there is an emphasis of the stool.
5. Itching in the anal
The itching is triggered by an infection of the wound on a blood vessel that burst. Because the anus is the pound stool, then the possibility of infection is also high.
My brother has been telling me about the itching similar to the one you described which he has been experiencing lately. Fortunately, he hasn't experienced any of these other symptoms. It's probably best for him to just see a doctor and maybe have a colonoscopy.