Disaster-which happened in Sumatra has made the Government hurriedly because smoke also propagate to neighboring countries, Malaysia and Singapore. Besides the economic losses, disasters also keeps smoke health hazards. Exposure to high concentrations of smoke containing hazardous components can cause a variety of respiratory disorders. According to dr.Agus Dwisusanto, a lung specialist from RS.Friendship Jakarta, smoke component can consists of a steam combustion results, particles from burning materials, until the components are germs. Many lacks the inhaled depending on the distance and the duration of smog.
"The people who lived near the source of the burning of the concentration of harmful deposits in the smoke is higher," he said when contacted Tuesday, the Kompas.com (25/6/13). However, if levels of pollutants from smoke accumulated, ones that are away from the source of the smoke could also feel the impact is serious. In Singapore, the country which was subject to the impact of smog, pollution standards index (PSI) there has reached 321 which means dangerous. "Although Singapore is far it turns out components of smoke seem to accumulate there. This influenced environmental factors such as wind direction and the level of air pollution in the area, "said doctor consultant pulmonary disease work and environment of The University of Indonesia's Faculty of medicine Pulmonology. Poor air quality due to the smog, can cause short-term effects and long-term on health.
In the short term the smoke will irritate the mucous membranes of the body, from the eyes, to respiratory tract. "The eye is sure to be red, sore and watery. While in the airway causes sneezing and increased sputum production, "he said. Added by dr.Nastiti Kaswandani, specialist of Department of Health Child RSCM Jakarta, smog can also cause stimulation of the respiratory tract so that it triggers the allergy. "That's been exposed to asthma attacks can show up more often, so too are suffering from allergic rhinitis," said Nastiti. In the long term, dangerous particles in the smog will also damage the natural defense mechanisms in the respiratory tract.
"The airway there are complex systems whose job sweeping the dirt, dust, or germs. Well, this will damage the smoke the Cilia in the respiratory tract so that the defense system of the body in the airway was down, "said Nastiti. In the long run, damage to the natural airway Defense Center will facilitate the entry of germs. "As a result of weaker body endurance, if there is a dangerous germs such as TB germs that used to be attenuated into easy comes in," he said. In people who have the habit of smoking, a defense mechanism in her breathing too easily damaged. "As a defense mechanism not great finally got the disease more susceptible," he explained. According to Agus, if exposure to smog can take weeks, lowering the pulmonary function. "The effect can cause chronic cough, constriction of the airway, can even trigger asthma in people who previously had no history," he said.
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