Is That True ? Women Are More Protected from Heart Disease ?

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There are still many people who think of heart disease as a disease of the blood vessels and the monopoly of men. In fact, women are also not escaped the disease is not contagious, which became the number one killer. Before menopause, women are more protected from heart disease because the hormone estrogen will give protection against mechanism effect  of the flow of blood to and from the heart. Estrogen also dilates the blood vessels so that blood flow smoothly. "However, after the woman is no longer producing estrogen or called the menopause, the risk is affected by heart disease as men," said dr.Priscillia Myriarda, SP. JP, in an event called the talk show to know Women about heart health, held at Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta, Wednesday (27/6/13). 

Keep Ur Heart
Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, according to Priscillia, caused by many factors, including factors of obesity and age.  "These conditions are exacerbated by poor eating patterns, rarely moving, and the habit of smoking," he said.Even though heart disease and blood vessels are much experienced older people, but nowadays more and younger people are already affected by stroke or heart pain. "The high intake of fat, salt, and less physical activity, be the cause of sore heart at a young age," he said. Medical examination (medical check-up) on a regular basis, it is highly recommended for men over the age of 40 and women over the age of 50. "Regular inspections enable one know for sure his heart condition. So that it can prepare preventive measures to prevent worsening of the disease, "he said. Besides people over the age of 40 years, Priscillia advocated a young person but have risk factors for heart disease, to begin diligently medical check-ups. The risk factors are, between others, suffer from diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity or smoking. Priscillia refers to the death of presenter Ricky Jo and House members Workplace Massaid. Both are still relatively young age, but died of a heart attack. No need to worry if it is detected as suffering from the heart because it means we can directly do the precautions and lifestyle changes. 

Eating patterns 

The risk of heart disease and blood vessels can increase if we are experiencing overweight or have a high cholesterol levels. This can be avoided by keeping a diet to stay healthy. "Simple carbohydrates like rice should have a portion of most small in our dinner plate, next is a side dish. The biggest portion was vegetable and fruit, "said consultant nutritionist Dr. Grace Judio-Kahl, in the same event. Fresh vegetable and fruit consumption to four servings per day. "For a side dish to be cooked anything except soaked in oil. Although the essential oils contain no saturated fat, "he said. For fish and meat servings Grace suggested that fragment is not too large. "Pieces of flesh and fish size must not be more than a circle formed of the index finger and thumb. Can be consumed twice a week, "he said. Exercise at least 30 minutes each day to keep the heart and prevent obesity.


The Fastest Diseases Transmission

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Virus Illustration
The various properties of the disease, even some start immune to drugs, certainly a challenge for us to maintain good health by improving the immune system of the body. Although the incidence of the disease is not contagious, such as stroke or cancer, are now on the rise globally, but some infectious diseases are never lost. Dr. Daniel Caplivski, infectious disease experts from Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, says there are some infectious diseases with high transmission speed and alarming. It is among other things due to the faster people mobility, both between cities or countries. 

Here are some infectious diseases that are considered very alarming. 

Flu Virus continued to exist throughout the year. It becomes very dangerous if the new strain appears, for example, which is now the plague H7N9 in China. So far the virus is fatal in about a third of H7N9 patients hospitalized due to contracting the virus. "The new virus Strain resistance system makes it difficult for our bodies to give an equivalent response," said Caplivski. Although the trend of transmission H7N9 began to decline, but experts continue to monitor the virus. So far we can protect ourselves by doing vaccines of influenza, especially if traveling to China. 

Bacteria immune for antibiotics 
The doctors in the u.s. are made eager by an increase in cases of the bacteria immune antibiotics. "Bacteria have always had ways of dealing with antibiotics," he said. The concern is not so much a new-generation antibiotics made pharmaceutical companies. "Making antibiotics not profitable because of his research is expensive. More profit if the diabetes drug producing or slimming, "said Caplivski. Strains of bacteria that are immune drugs include CRE (Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriacease), MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aereus) and c. diff (Clostridium dificile). Bacteria-bacteria that could cause death if the infected because no drugs to deal with it. Most of the bacteria in the hospital. 

Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis and attack the lungs. This disease can result in death if not promptly treated. No treatment has been completed can also trigger the TB drug for immune. 

MERS Virus
Last year the experts noted the 60 cases of MERS Virus, respiratory infections are more dangerous than SARS. The Virus is mostly found in the countries of the Middle East and Europe. 

HIV infection is still a problem in many countries. Nevertheless rapid progress in medicine led to a lot of people with HIV/AIDS can live productively and long-lived. 


Several Habits That Reduce Absorption of Calcium

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Calcium is a mineral that your body needs in large quantities to maintain the health of the body. Calcium serves between other things to maintain bone density, maintain the rhythm of the heart, nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction, blood pressure control, and was instrumental in the process of blood clotting. Unfortunately, calcium is included in a mineral that could not be fully absorbed in the body. Nutritionists Nanny Djaja said, consumption of calcium from food can only be absorbed about 70 percent by the body, while from supplements is about 30 percent. "Basically the human intestine cannot absorb the whole 100 percent of the calcium consumed," said nutrition teaching staff at the Faculty of medicine, University of Atmajaya in a press conference held at PT.Pfizer in Jakarta, Wednesday (27/6/2013). 
The amount of calcium that is absorbed can be much smaller due to some quirks that are less understood. Nanny says, there are some specific habits that effect the body's ability to absorb the loss of calcium, between others. 

1. Alcohol consumption 
Alcohol consumption is fairly significant in reducing the body's ability to absorb calcium is consumed. Even moderate doses of alcohol consumption can also be influential. 

2. Coffee consumption 
Almost the same as alcohol consumption, coffee can block absorption of calcium in the body. Then the coffee consumption should be no more than one cup a day, and do not be drunk after meals. 

2. Diets lacking calcium 
The absorption of the body that cannot be 100 percent requires people are consuming more calcium. Lack of calcium from foods can aggravate the drawback in the body. 

3. Excessive Sports 
Sports overkill makes the extra work that required more calcium. If we are not able to increase consumption of calcium, the body will takes it from the bone. 

4. Consumption of drugs steroids 
The steroid medicines consumed in the long term will result in the body experiencing a calcium deficiency. That is because the steroids can block absorption of calcium in the body. 

5. A High Diet in salt 
Salt is one ingredient that are blocking the absorption of calcium. A Diet high in salt will also increase the risk of hypertension associated with deficiency of calcium. 

6. High protein Diet 
Just as salt, protein can also inhibit the absorption of calcium. Although the protein needed for growth and cell regeneration process, but should be consumed is balanced as required.


Detection Of Heart Disease Risk Through Waistline

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The gathering of fat in the abdomen can be a risk factor for heart diseases are obliged to look out for. Heaps of fat in the stomach so you Apple-shaped, have a higher risk than those with which the fat was concentrated on the hips and thighs, a pear-shaped. According to Dr. Grace Judio-Kahl, nutritional experts, is the belly Belly shape that is rounded. "So it's not just a pile of fat in the waist," he said in a seminar entitled to know Women about heart health at Bunda Hospital , Jakarta, Wednesday (6/27/13). People who have a stack of fat in the abdomen is likely to experience a disruption of blood flow to all parts of the body which is the benchmark the performance of the heart. "The greater a person's waistline, the risk of heart disease, the greater the exposure," he said. The size of the waistline in men to look out for is greater than 90 cm, while in women if larger than 80 cm. According to Grace, the size effect on all height. 

He explains, these guidelines show the fat content in (visceral) on someone. "Fat is a bit different from the other because of the visceral fat can be developed and issued about 200 kinds of proteins. This Protein can increase the heap of plaque in blood and impedes the flow of blood, "said a doctor from the weight loss clinic Shape-Up Indonesia. Excess fat should not be left. "Immediately reduce your intake of fat-rich and often physical exercise. Combined both effectively shrink waistline, "said Grace. The sport is done on a regular basis will reduce the amount of fat deposits in the body. In addition we also need to know the number of calories contained in each food. Food that is actually not the glut could be containing high-calorie.Grace exemplifies a fried donut with equivalent content of 300 calories six chicken breast poached or broiled. The number of calories is also equivalent to a small bowl of rice, vegetable, side dish and two small chicken breast pieces. Of the three types of food the choice of rice, vegetable and side dish richer and do not have the excess calories than if eating a donut sweet.


The Dangers Of Calcium Deficiency

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The major minerals of calcium, this one, is indeed identical to bone health. However, it also can affect calcium health other organ systems. Daily intake of calcium the body needs about 800-1,000 mg for adults. In fact, this dose can be increased when pregnant and breastfeeding. According to Dr. Djaja Nannies, nutritionists from the Faculty of medicine University of Atmajaya, lack of calcium intake can lead to various health problems. "During this time, the lack of calcium is closely related to bone loss or osteoporosis. In fact, the impact is much more than that, "said Nanny in a press conference in Jakarta, Wednesday (27/6/2013). 

Nanny spoke, disturbances related to deficiency of calcium in the body. 

1. Osteoporosis 
Porous bone mass generally occur as you get older. Research shows that at age 25, the body will begins to experience a shortage of calcium as much as one percent a year. Enter the age of 50 years, the amount of calcium will be reduced by as much as 30 percent and at age 70 lose calcium will reach 50 percent. However, the Nanny said, it can be prevented with sufficient consumption of calcium each day. 

2. Muscle cramps 
Lack of calcium can trigger muscle contractions are not stable to result in muscle cramps. One commonly found in pregnant women. In addition to blood flow was triggered not turning smoothly due to pressure from the uterus that gains weight, cramps in pregnant woman is also triggered by a lack of calcium. "Then, before any pregnant women need to intake enough calcium," demolished Nanny. 

3. Palpitations 
Although it can be caused by many things, Nannies say, palpitations or pounding heart could also be experienced due to a lack of calcium. It is related to the function of calcium as one of the keepers of the rhythm of the heart. 

 4. Hypertension 
A new study shows, people experiencing hypertension most also experienced lack of calcium in the body. This may be related to disruption of calcium absorption due to consumption of foods high in salt, but could also be due to the function of the calcium is to control blood pressure. 

5. Rickets 
Bone-bending Rickets is caused by a lack of calcium intake on bone that still grow in childhood. Therefore, calcium intake since were children also need to be aware of. 

6. Cognitive Decline 
Often forget or unable to concentrate work on a tasks are symptoms of cognitive decline. Lack of calcium could play a role in this. Nanny said, calcium is an important mineral that plays a role in the transmission of nerve impulses. Thus, the lack of calcium can cause the transmission not going smoothly, then the occurrence of cognitive decline. 

7. Depression 
The research found a link with depression of calcium deficiencies. The average patient depression lack of calcium in the body. This may be due to decreased function of the body to absorb calcium, because depression is experienced.


10 Strangest Allergy Types

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An allergy is a reaction of the immune system of the body excessively against something or come into contact with the body. The reaction generally was itching, burning, and shortness of breath. Allergies may be normal that can be experienced by anyone. After finding out his body having an allergy to certain things, one can prevents it by avoiding allergy triggers the body's interaction with (allergens). For example, people who are allergic to animal hair can avoid interaction with animals to prevent allergies. However, it turns out, there is also a type of allergy is a fairly complicated people with. Because, the allergens that must escape quite difficult avoided in everyday life. 

What are the types of allergies that categorized those "strange"? Here are 10 of them. 

1. Allergy to sunlight 
Sunlight is important for the health of the body. However, there are some people who have an allergy if exposed. People who have an allergy to sunlight will feel itchy termed solar urticaria. Sufferers may also feel a sharp sting in his skin when exposed to sunlight in a matter of minutes. He may also feel headaches, bruising, even nausea. 

2. Allergic to money 
There are people who are allergic to the Exchange, particularly with coins made from nickel. The coins can cause a reaction called contact dermatitis. Symptoms that appear due to allergies is skin rashes in that cause itching. 

3. Water Allergy 
Water in any temperature can cause itching and rashes on the skin of people who suffer from allergies. Water allergy occurs in one of the 230 million people and unknown cause. Water allergy is also called aquagenic urticaria, term or group of symptoms itching (hives) that deals with physical urticaria. Urticaria or Chilblains is the medical term for itching are usually marked with reddish markings or swollen bumps on the skin. Full-swollen bumps this will usually disappear after about 30 minutes. The use of antihistamine can relieves symptoms arising out of this allergy. 

4. Allergic to sports 
This is the type of allergies ever reported in the medical literature about 1,000 cases since the 1970s. in the mild, allergic to sports just cause rashes and digestive disorders. However, in some severe cases, it can provide a life-threatening allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis, a condition that makes people with difficulty breathing and blood pressure suddenly plummeted. 

5. Allergic touch 
A red rash can give the skin for those who have allergies. In fact, sitting in a Chair and wearing clothes that are too tight can trigger a reaction. In the medical world, this condition is also known as Dermographism, meaning "the writing on the surface of the skin". Called so because You can write the name on the surface of the skin with only scrapes her nails. Pressure on the skin causes itchy reaction. You can also experience a rash when wearing clothes that are too tight. 

6. Sperm Allergies 
This allergy is very rare indeed in the case. Symptoms are usually accompanied with swelling in the vaginal area after sex. The best prevention is the way of condom use, but in women who want to become pregnant can request special allergy injections to overcome this problem. If the method fails, one other option to get the pregnancy with the insemination. 

7. Allergic cold 
Exposure to cold air can give you rashes on the skin in those who have allergies. In fact, swimming in cold water can provide a life-threatening allergic reactions. 

8. Shoe Allergy 
The shoes in question here is the shoe leather. Allergy is actually triggered by a chemical compound that is used to prepare the skin. Allergic type also belong with the category of contact dermatitis. 

9. Chocolate Allergy 
Chocolate allergies are triggered by the main ingredient of chocolate. the seeds are Brown and mixed materials. Common symptoms of chocolate allergy is skin rash, headache, heartburn, hives, and breathing problems. 

10. Allergic to all foods except water 
Hardly anyone has allergies. However, someone who experienced it can only drink water and receive nutrients as supplements each day.


Is That True ? Spicy Foods Make Hemorrhoids ?

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Too often  strain when defecating and too much sitting, spicy foods are also often a ' scapegoat ' as the cause of hemorrhoids. Whereas, according to the experts of digestive health Faculty of medicine University CiptoMangunkusumo Hospital Indonesia Dr. Ari Fahrial sham, spicy food does not contribute in increasing the risk of hemorrhoids. Ari explains, hemorrhoids occur when a vein in the anus having inflammatory or inflammation due to pressure. The pressure on the blood vessels caused by seizure activity during defecation. "The reason people seizures due to impose a hard bowel movements. Bowel movements can be hard due to less consumption of fiber, not because of the spicy food, "said the staff Division of Gastroenterology Department of internal medicine. 

Hemorrhoids are the diseases or disorders of the rectum. Disruption of the enlargement of the blood vessels in the anus, sometimes accompanied with bleeding. Common symptoms of hemorrhoids is itching, heat, and pain in the anus. Hemorrhoids are also sometimes cause blood after defecation. Spicy foods, said Ari, may be thought to cause hemorrhoids because of the abandonment of the anus after defecation. Whereas the perceived heat comes from different sources. 
At hemorrhoids, a sense of heat after bowel movements caused by the emphasis on the veins that have already begun to dilate. While spicy foods only gives sensations because of the spicy compounds attached to the network. "However, it could be a hot spicy taste food for those who are already experiencing hemorrhoids," says Ari. To prevent hemorrhoids, we can avoid constipation by eating much fiber and drink water, lots of moving, avoiding too much and too long sits, sit or squat on the toilet.


Several Tips When Choosing Bed for Better Sleep

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Did you know, sleep can increase alertness, thoroughness, response, concentration and productivity? On the contrary, lack of sleep can cause an increased risk of dangerous diseases.The American Association of Cancer Research (2008) States, active women sleep less than seven hours per day had a 47 percent greater risk for suffering from breast cancer. Simply sleep well is not enough. Sleep disorders that are considered trivial, such as snoring may reduce the quality of sleep and risky cause degenerative diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, erectile dysfunction, and decreased quality of life.According to a specialist sleep disorders from the hospital Partners Kemayoran, Andreas Prasasdja, sleep is a "drug" all diseases. Even though it seems to be inactive, active human body once in a while sleeping.

In the stage of sleep or sleep well, there is a growth hormone that is produced by children. Meanwhile, for the adults there are hormones that can trigger skin rejuvenation.All the benefits of sleep can only be obtained if one has good quality of sleep. Unfortunately, it is often convenient to sleep is interrupted due to the discomfort caused by the error of choosing a mattress or mattress.Then, choose a mattress that fits the body is important. Director of Massindo Group, Witarsa Sugeng, gives tips in choosing a good mattress."Make sure the mattress fits your needs and comfort. In terms of a buffer (support), a good mattress should be able to support the spine. If the mattress is too soft, it will sink. If too hard, the shoulder will be pressured upwards. He does not look good. My back and shoulders are often incorrect because of inappropriate support cushion, "he said.He added, "the right Mattress should be able to make a little more pressure and bed time, we did a lot of moving. Sleep becomes more comfortable. "

In General, prospective buyers only pay attention to the physical shape of the mattress is the mattress, trying to sit on the edge of the mattress, or briefly feel the power receptacle of the mattress. According to Witarsa, it is wrong. Instead, prospective buyers mattress mattress exploit chose not to regret later on.The mattress is an important investment. Not only because of the frequency of his redemption is very rare, but also because of the very influential on health.Try to feel the mattress beds with buffering power for a few minutes on it. Do position to sleep as usual. Make sure your spine feel good and there's not one part of your body that felt too much pressure. Welcome to choose the mattress! Select exactly, you are so much healthier.

Effective Mask Depending On The Type

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Disasters caused by fire smog in some woods and fields in Riau until recently have not been defeated. To reduce the impact of bad smog for the health, the residents handed out masks. Besides the several towns in Sumatra and Batam, Singapore and Malaysia also appear to be wearing masks while traveling outside the home. According to dr.Agus Dwisusanto, Lung specialists, the wearing of a mask can indeed inhibit the entry of smoke and small particles carried by the smoke got into the airway. However, the absence of effective mask depending on the type of mask used. "The usual Masks only inhibits the entry of particles, while the gas-burning results could not be impeded," he said when contacted by the on Tuesday (25/6/13). 

To prevent adverse effects of smog pollutants, Agus recommend using special mask that had the ability to filter out pollutants to over 90 percent. "The masks have an usable category n. decimal code N indicates the ability of the air filter masks, e.g., N 95 means that can filter up to 95 percent," said doctor consultant pulmonary disease work and environmental Pulmonology Department of Persahabatan Hospital Jakarta. 

Components in the smoke can be inhaled to lower airway (throat to lungs), is the size below 10 microns. "If regular mask can only filter large particles, which are small will breathes let alone gas," he said. Were with dr.Agus, according to dr.Nastiti Kaswandani, from children's Health Science Department , masks can help reduces the ill effects of pollutants, especially if used continuously. "But it should be understood that the particles are inhaled will surely remain smooth," he said. Residents who lived in the area of smog are also advised to close Windows and reduce the time of travel outside the home.Therefore to ensure public health, the best course is to extinguish the fire source.


Excess Body Weight Can Be Determined During Kid's Period

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From the time of conception up to the age of the first two years of life, or 1000 day one, is the critical period. If within this period the child experiencing nutritional deficiencies and growth in his brain can be affected. Failure to grow cotton on 1000 the first day it can be permanent and will last until the end of life. One indicator of malnutrition in children is short (stunting). "When the son of stature to potentially having an excess of nutrition when she is an adult. This case is in some provinces in Indonesia, "said Health Minister, Nafsiah Mboi on the National Seminar on food and nutrition and Nutritional Food Indonesia Congress 2013, Tuesday (8/6) in Jakarta. The Health Minister explained, besides stunting children found adults with excess calories or obesity. 

According to the Director of the community development Ministry of Health Nutrition, Minarto, Ph.d, son of stature actually due to insufficient nutrition condition while pregnant. Conditions that can trigger weight baby at birth is low and vulnerable children have impaired metabolism. As a result of processing and nutrient absorption is not optimally so that short stature. Short stature children their cells cannot grow optimally so that higher risk exposed to excess nutrient when it's up. "Adults who are overweight are more likely exposed to various diseases are not contagious, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease," said Minarto. 

Overweight in adulthood may also be caused by nutrient-hungry experienced when the cells were still children. "As a result when the adults all nutrients are absorbed. This increases the chances of suffering from an excess of calories, "said Minarto. A regular diet according to Minarto is very important so that nutrient are received the body always precisely, be kind, quantity, or time. Instead, people with irregular eating patterns lead to intake its nutrition value is not met. "This is because people tend to eat just about anything, from dinner needs are met. As a result of food rich in fats, oils, sugar, and salt into dessert's hunger, "he added. 

The thousand-day one 

The body is short and the potential excess of nutrition when an adult actually could have been avoided. "The key is in a thousand days. If the pattern of his care is right, then the next child could grow properly, "said Minarto. A thousand days calculated from the baby start was conceived. During that time, the mother should consume nutritious food and varied. Then after the birth, the baby gets breast milk exclusively.


4 Ways to Prevent Hemorrhoids

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Hemorrhoids are the diseases or disorders of the rectum. Hemorrhoids can cause swelling of the lip of the anus, even accompanied with bleeding. It would certainly result in discomfort for the sufferer. According to experts of the digestive health division of Gastroenterology Department of Pathology In Medicine At Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Dr. Ari Fahrial Sham, patterns of life now might cause prevalence of hemorrhoids further increases. The pattern of life that is is less moving, eating less fiber, or lack of drinking water. However, as with any disease, hemorrhoids can actually be prevented. Ari said a few things that can prevents the pain of hemorrhoids. 

1. Keep the bowel movements smoothly 
 Seizure when waste water will result in enlargement of the veins in the anus (hemorrhoids). Bowel movements smoothly reduces the activity of the seizures. to dispose of the water smoothly, we need to drink water and eat enough fiber. The fibers can be obtained from vegetable or fruit. It could be derived from cereals or gelatin. "The colon takes water and fiber to do its job properly," said Ari. 

2. A lot of moves 
Life less move can increase your risk of hemorrhoids. Therefore, the solution is more mobile. Try to work out 3-5 times or at least 150 minutes a week. In addition, reduce the drive for a distance that was still able to walk. 

3. Avoid too much sitting 
Sitting too long can cause pressure on the anus so that trigger hemorrhoids. Therefore, try not to sit when doing activities that can be done while standing, for example calling. "If your job requires sitting for the many, frequently take the stand, at least 2 hours," Ari's advice. 

4. Avoid the "preoccupation" in the toilet 
Lifestyle peoples today who cannot escape the smart phone (smartphone) frequently get carried away to the toilet. In fact, the "preoccupation" to operate the smart phone whiles sitting on the toilet can increase your risk of hemorrhoids. In addition, the smart phone into the toilet brings will only add to the many bacteria that clung to him. Therefore, try to no longer think makes smart phone as a friend dispose of the water again.


Dangerous of Smog Are Vulnerable for Children's Health

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Smog containing various pollutants if entering the airway can cause a variety of diseases. Children being the most vulnerable to the impacts of smog. Hazard effects of smog on health, according to dr.Agus Dwisusanto, pulmonary specialist, depends on three factors, namely the burning results, individual agents, as well as environmental factors including weather and wind direction. "The individuals who've had previous illnesses, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the smog could make his illness often relapse," said physician Pulmonology Division Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia . He added, in addition to people who already had a history of respiratory disorders, the durability of his body lows as elderly people and children are the most vulnerable group affected the smog. According to dr.Nastiti Kaswandani, specialist of children's Health Science Department of Medicine, children are very vulnerable because their airway is not perfect. 

"Children's breathing Pipe diameter smaller than adults. If there are external stimuli, e.g., smoke, there will be swelling in the pipeline. As a result the channel mucosa swell and shrink service-pipe, "he said when contacted Tuesday, the (25/6/13). Swelling in the airway will ease the occurrence of blockage. "Breath be labored, if there is any mucus would add congested again," he added. Infection of the respiratory tract caused by germs that get carried away in the smog can also increase the risk of pneumonia (Pneumonia). "The research shows, children who are ill of pneumonia and his parents using firewood or other solid material that is burned, the risk of a worsening of his illness. Children who are exposed to pollutants smoke also have a higher risk of death, "he explained. Bad air conditions due to smog if weeks, according to Agus, can loose lung function. "If the components in the smoke that accumulates in the lung can reduces lung function," he said. Besides chronic coughs, pollutants smoke-exposed for too long will cause a narrowing of the airway, even triggering the onset of asthma although earlier there is no history of asthma.


Some Signs Of Hemorrhoids Disease

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Lifestyle less motion and less fiber diet may increase the risk of hemorrhoids. Too late to handle the complaint of hemorrhoids can also aggravate the condition of hemorrhoids.Data from the Department of Pathology In the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital said, 30 percent of patients with digestive disorders also have hemorrhoids.Hemorrhoids are enlarged blood vessels behind the bunch (vein) in the anus, directly below the limiting membranes of the rectum and anus. In medical terms, known as hemorrhoids hemorrhoids which is actually a group of blood vessels are veins.Though not a disease that can lead to death but the already severe hemorrhoids can lower the quality of life of the sufferer. Then before severe hemorrhoids happen, we must be careful to recognize the signs of hemorrhoids that soon got the handling.

Dr. Ari Fahrial Sham from the Division of Gastroenterology Department of Pathology In the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital said, signs of hemorrhoids generally cannot be detected early because still not cause symptoms. But there is no harm in paying attention to the following signs in order to get better care and more early.

1. A sense of heat in the anus
A sense of heat occurs typically when sitting too long or after bowel movements . The heat contained in the rectum as a result of the emphasis on the already engorged veins.

2. There is blood
There is fresh blood in toilet paper in the toilet or on the stool after defecating. Enlargement of the blood vessels could be caused by the activity of the bowel spasms. Venous vessels because it is thin and easily broken, bleeding may occur during bowel movements.

3. There is a bulge
Enlargement of the blood vessels can be shaped bulges out of the anus. Usually if there are bulges that hemorrhoids have entered the next stage. If the bulge is still can be placed into anal spontaneously, then that is too severe hasn't hemorrhoid but have had to get treatment.

4. The pain
Pain in the anus especially after defecation. Pain could be a result of a burst blood vessel, especially because there is an emphasis of the stool.

5. Itching in the anal
The itching is triggered by an infection of the wound on a blood vessel that burst. Because the anus is the pound stool, then the possibility of infection is also high.

Smog Is Dangerous For Health

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Disaster-which happened in Sumatra has made the Government hurriedly because smoke also propagate to neighboring countries, Malaysia and Singapore. Besides the economic losses, disasters also keeps smoke health hazards. Exposure to high concentrations of smoke containing hazardous components can cause a variety of respiratory disorders. According to dr.Agus Dwisusanto, a lung specialist from RS.Friendship Jakarta, smoke component can consists of a steam combustion results, particles from burning materials, until the components are germs. Many lacks the inhaled depending on the distance and the duration of smog. 

"The people who lived near the source of the burning of the concentration of harmful deposits in the smoke is higher," he said when contacted Tuesday, the (25/6/13). However, if levels of pollutants from smoke accumulated, ones that are away from the source of the smoke could also feel the impact is serious. In Singapore, the country which was subject to the impact of smog, pollution standards index (PSI) there has reached 321 which means dangerous. "Although Singapore is far it turns out components of smoke seem to accumulate there. This influenced environmental factors such as wind direction and the level of air pollution in the area, "said doctor consultant pulmonary disease work and environment of The University of Indonesia's Faculty of medicine Pulmonology. Poor air quality due to the smog, can cause short-term effects and long-term on health. 

In the short term the smoke will irritate the mucous membranes of the body, from the eyes, to respiratory tract. "The eye is sure to be red, sore and watery. While in the airway causes sneezing and increased sputum production, "he said. Added by dr.Nastiti Kaswandani, specialist of Department of Health Child RSCM Jakarta, smog can also cause stimulation of the respiratory tract so that it triggers the allergy. "That's been exposed to asthma attacks can show up more often, so too are suffering from allergic rhinitis," said Nastiti. In the long term, dangerous particles in the smog will also damage the natural defense mechanisms in the respiratory tract. 

"The airway there are complex systems whose job sweeping the dirt, dust, or germs. Well, this will damage the smoke the Cilia in the respiratory tract so that the defense system of the body in the airway was down, "said Nastiti. In the long run, damage to the natural airway Defense Center will facilitate the entry of germs. "As a result of weaker body endurance, if there is a dangerous germs such as TB germs that used to be attenuated into easy comes in," he said. In people who have the habit of smoking, a defense mechanism in her breathing too easily damaged. "As a defense mechanism not great finally got the disease more susceptible," he explained. According to Agus, if exposure to smog can take weeks, lowering the pulmonary function. "The effect can cause chronic cough, constriction of the airway, can even trigger asthma in people who previously had no history," he said.


Learn About The Stages Of Hemorrhoids

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Though not a severe medical condition, but hemorrhoids can interfere with the lives of its victims. The disease is characterized by a pain especially when defecating. Less fiber diet can aggravate the condition of hemorrhoids so progressed to an advanced stage. Hemorrhoids are enlarged blood vessels behind the bunch (vein) in the anus, directly below the limiting membranes of the rectum and anus. In medical terms, hemorrhoids is actually a group of blood vessels are veins. Dr. Ari Fahrial Sham from the Division of Gastroenterology Department of Pathology in the University of Indonesia's Faculty of medicine said, the severity of the hemorrhoids are divided into four stages, as follow. 

Stage 1: From going enlargement of the veins in the anus. Its size is still small so it is usually not cause any symptoms. New be detected when examined with an endoscope. But sometimes had started to cause any discomfort during defecation. 

Stage 2: The enlargement of the vein can be palpated, had started to get out of the anus and go back spontaneously, but there has not been any bleeding. Sometimes an infection resulting in a sense of heat and itching in the anal. The possibility of increased heat when sitting too long. 

Stage 3: Enlargement of the vein more often out of the anus, even have been unable to put back spontaneously. Then to put it needed the help of a finger. May cause a sense of heat when sitting too long. At the time of contraction, an enlarged veins can rupture and cause bleeding. 

Stage 4: Enlargement of the vein cannot be entered again, though with the help of the fingers. Bleeding occurred more frequently due to the enlarged vein, so it may make patients blood deficiency or drop in hemoglobin. 

The fourth stage of the hemorrhoid, said Ari, need care and treatment. But in General, the treatments of hemorrhoids consist of injecting, the binding, and operations. njecting aims to turn off blood vessels so as not to continue to grow. While the binding in question is the binding enlargement of blood vessels out of the anus. Purpose is to make the blood no longer able to flow and blood vessels will die by itself. While the surgery aims to remove an enlarged blood vessels. At this stage of the mild complaints, hemorrhoids can be reduced by soaking warm water per day and consume enough liquids and fibrous foods to soften the stool.


Beware Of A Heart Attack During Holidays

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Disorders of the heart it ranks first as the cause of death of a traveler. Although the atmosphere of a vacation is supposed to make the mind more relaxed, it turns out the new environment in place of vacation can trigger a heart attack. The experts warn, the crowds of tourists, pollution of the air, the temperature of the hot, new food, alcohol consumption, and physical activities that are too dense for the getaway can increase the risk of heart attacks. 

Actor James Gandolfini, the Sopranos series (51), who passed away not long ago, also was on vacation in Rome. Strong he allegedly suffered a heart attacks even though the cause of his death has not been announced officially as waiting for autopsy results. According to a study published in 2003 in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, mentioned the unusual activity during a vacation could lead to mental or physical pressure well. These conditions are in addition to trigger a heart attack also lead to disorders of the heart. A traveler could also upset and stress when their desires toward activities or getaway does not match expectations. The study involved 92 Netherlands people who had suffered a heart attack whiles on vacation. Known heart attack generally occurred in the first two days of the holiday. 

"The physical and emotional Aspects when traveling and holidays should be of concern to travelers. While on vacation we could have had a heart attack, "said Dr. Erik Altman, of the North Shore-Long Island Jewish Southside Hospital, in New York, USA. While on vacation, usually someone frees himself to eating a diverse food, drink alcohol, and forget to eat the medicine. In people who already have a heart disease risk, it is so dangerous. Altman suggested that someone who suffered from certain diseases or health conditions with your holiday fit.


Several Tips to Reduce Bacterial Contamination in Food

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Each year 48 million people fell ill because of food poisoning. The one poisoning caused by bacteria derived from foodstuffs that are not cooked or washed out. The bacteria will survive and cause disease if ingested. Several types of bacteria that commonly contaminate food includes e. coli, Salmonella, and listeria. Listeria bacteria is usually often pollute plants, whereas e. coli and Salmonella contaminate animal products. To find out how big the bacterial contamination on agricultural products, researchers doing research in 12 plantations. Location research in the West and Southeast United States. This research includes the content of e. Coli in each product, knowledge about hygiene, plantation workers and its application in the garden. 

As a result, 7 percent from 12 contaminated spinach researched plantations of e. Coli. Despite the low numbers, does not mean the risk of poisoning. This is because the manufacturer could sell them to various places. Even so, researchers found a way to minimize the occurrence of contamination. That is, with a bathroom or a toilet that does away with agricultural land. This makes it easy for workers to wash hands in place. Bacterial contamination also is reduced when plantations close to the paths . E. Coli contamination also is reduced when the estate is close to highway or forest. 

However, consumers do not need to rely on the workers and the farmers to make its products stay clean. The Centers for Disease Control, and Prevention provides instructions for consumers to maintain food safety. Here are the steps that need to be done in the processing of foodstuffs. 

1. Wash your hands before handling food. Cooking utensils, cutting boards, and storage shelves should always clean. 
2.Wash the vegetable and the fruit in cold water flow 
3. Separate raw meat and other products before it is cooked with 
4. Cook and chill food foods in the appropriate temperature, when it is to be stored. The meat should be cooked to the temperature of 71 degrees C. all food must be stored in a temperature maximum 4.4 C. With this step the bacterial contamination is expected to diminish, so foodstuffs safer for consumption.


Gene Defects and Environmental Effect Triggers Cancer in Children

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Causes of childhood cancer is still unknown. However, allegedly due to irregularities cell growth because there are gene defects. In addition, there are also environmental influences. In layman's seminar on Childhood Cancer and Cervical Cancer in RSIA Evasari, Saturday (22/6), in Jakarta, Professor of the Division of Hematology-Oncology Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia Djajadiman Gatot said, in infants and young children symptoms of cancer is difficult to know because they can not tells his complaint. Cancer that is often found in children is cancer of the blood (leukemia), brain tumors, eye cancer (retinoblastoma), lymph node cancer (lymphoma), neural cancer (neuroblastoma), kidney cancer, cancer of muscle tissue (rhabdomyosarcoma), and bone cancer. 

Childhood cancers can be treated and potentially cured, especially when recognized early stages of treatment and followed to its conclusion. However, most patients come to doctors after cancer has spread widely and stages of treatment is not undertaken until completion. There are several ways to treat cancer, by surgery, chemotherapy, radiology, and bone marrow transplantation. Chemotherapy is a single treatment for leukemia and lymphoma. Chemotherapy is also done to shrink tumors before surgery and after surgery to eradicate tumor cells. 

"There are many parents who objected to their patients undergoing chemotherapy since got the wrong information regarding side effects. In fact, the doctor as much as possible to minimize side effects. Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment foothold in the international community, "said Djajadiman. Djajadiman explained, if the child shows symptoms of pale, listless, and weak, unexplained fevers, bone pain, swollen lymph nodes, and abdominal swelling should be wary of suffering from leukemia. If symptoms of headache accompanied by nausea to vomiting spraying, loss of consciousness, impaired speech, or balance, paralysis, or seizures should be wary of children suffering from brain tumors. 

Evasari, The RSIA Director, Early Handy, say, cancer is the most common pediatric patients in its place is leukemia. Is hospital care for patients build a low immunity. The room and the intensive care of newborns become the mainstay of the hospital services.


Being Confused Is One of The Causes of Dehydration

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Dehydration was disturbance of the balance of fluids in the body. The disorder is accompanied with loss of electrolyte balance in the body.This happens because of the infusion of liquids into the body smaller than expenses. The loss of this fluid balance may result in nerve working is not best. One symptom of dehydration is feeling confused. Besides the confused, dehydrated also resulted in forgotten while in some people. Dehydration is also causing most of performing Hajj experience confusion, stray, forget it, and missed the groups of the worship in the Holy land. 

"Most people are not aware of confusion is a sign of dehydration. Though prone to dehydration occurs in performing Hajj, "said Zaenal Muttaqien Sofro from the Department of Physiology of the Faculty of medicine, Gadjah Mada University, Tuesday (17/6/2013) in Jakarta. Memory, advanced Zaenal, influenced by the autonomic nervous system in the body. Besides effect memory, nervous system affects heart muscle, blood vessels, iris, thorakalis, abdominal organs, and glands of the body. The autonomic nervous system working out of awareness and maintain the State of the body in controlled conditions, without realizing the existence of control. The lack of a liquid will affects the autonomic nervous system in the body. As a result, the lack of fluids can experience disorientation. 

Dehydration is the performing Hajj experimented with prone due to various factors. Holy soil conditions with low humidity, flights for 9 hours and heavy activity cause the Congregation did not feel thirsty. As a result, the amount of liquid that made very little. The risk of dehydration, said Zaenal, in fact already appeared since in the course of using the aircraft. This is because performing the Hajj was mostly spent 9 hours with sleep. Whereas, during sleep the body also releases fluid. With condition-prone during the journey, performing Hajj for the Club suggested a drink without waiting for thirst. When you are dehydrated, the body will show some other symptoms such as high body temperature, appetite, and fever. 
"Thirst means already very late. Have a drink without having to feel hungry, "he said. The Club also suggested liquid needs to suffice in daily life. The adequacy of liquid will help the autonomic nervous working optimally. As a result a person avoids the sense of bewilderment and forgetting.


Helping Each Other Can Keep You From Hypertension

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Anyone who loves a good deed or running activities volunteering is definitely know its helping each other. But researchers found evidence of a more real benefits from the charity, which can help reduce the risk of older people to experience high blood pressure. A new study involving more than 1,100 adults aged 40 to 79 years old. They interviewed about activities of charity and blood pressure checks in 2006 and 2010. They have a normal blood pressure during the first interview. Next the researchers found that the participants who claimed to have been the work of at least 200 hours per year have the risk of high blood pressure is 40 percent lower than those who do not. 

According to the study published in the journal Psychology and Aging, the charity activities carried out are not specific to a particular activity. All activities related to the work of the potentially lower the risk of high blood pressure. The researchers also concluded the activities a person can be free but effective treatment options to prevent high blood pressure. High blood pressure or hypertension is a known risk factor for many diseases such as heart disease, stroke, kidney, etc. Chairperson of the study Rodlescia Sneed doctoral student of psychology at Carnegie Mellon University said, so far we only know the negative lifestyle factors such as poor diet and lack of exercise can increase the risk of hypertension.

"We are trying to determine whether lifestyle factors such as positive a person can lower the risk. These results provide an option for those who want to stay healthy in old age, "said Sneed. Sneed also do research on older people because they have less opportunities to interact socially. Thus activities such as charity can give them a chance more to build social connections. It is able to improve health and reduce the risk of disease.


A Few Quick Steps To Relieve Menstrual Pain

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Stomach cramps that often accompanies menstrual cycle not only hinder the smooth running of the activity but also to torture due to pain that continues to whack. However, there are several ways that we can do to lessen the pain of the abdomen. Iris f. Another, author of the book "Taking Our Pulse: The Health of American Women," says, cramping occurs due to contractions in the uterus that occurs for a specific layer in the womb of decay due to the absence of conception.There are several ways to overcome stomach cramps menstrual. However, to obtain quick results and best ways here may be able to help you. 

1. Compress 
Lie down and place the compress warmer around the stomach down. Use the compress for about 15 minutes to help relieve pressure and abdominal pain. 

2. Drug Consumption 
Drugs that contain anti-inflammatory compounds can reduce pain. Select the nonsteroid anti-inflammatory medications to reduce the pain of cramps. The drug works by blocking prostaglandin cause pain. The drug can be purchased freely or through prescription. 

3. Yoga 
Certain yoga poses can make the body relaxed and limber up the muscles around the abdomen. Breathe deeply while doing yoga poses can also help muscles to relax, including uterine muscles. 

4. Sports 
Gentle exercise such as walking and swimming can help increase the flow of oxygen throughout the body to make the muscles relax. 

5. Reduce consumption of dairy products 
Reduce the consumption of dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, and ice cream during menstruation can also reduce menstrual pain and cramps.


"Pink Eye" An Eye Disease That Is Often Experienced By Children

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The eyes are very vulnerable to disruption and disease, one is pink eye or conjunctivas. Pink eye occurs due to inflammation of the transparent membranes that line the inside the eyelids (conjunctiva). This disease prone children endured even newborn babies. Pink eye due to a virus or bacteria is common in children and usually very contagious. "The disease is due to a dirty environment, with TB germs then stick on adults or children," said Ni Retno Setyoningrum, m.d., ophthalmologist from Jakarta Eye Center in Kedoya, West Jakarta, Saturday (3/6). 

All forms of conjunctivitis have similarities of certain signs and symptoms. The eyes that turn red, white or pink, and feels like sand when a wink. The eyes are yellowish secretions also released that thickens at night into the crust. The crust resulted in the eyelids so attached so early in the morning is difficult and must be opened first moistened with water. Some bacteria that often causes pink eye is Staphylococcus or Streptococcus pneumonia. The length of a bacterial infection is 24-72 hours. In some children, conjunctivitis also caused allergic reactions. 

Newborn babies are also prone to certain bacteria that are present in the birth, where this type of conjunctivitis should be treated immediately to prevent loss of vision. Sometimes of pink eye occurs in infants whose eyes open yet. This is due to the tear ducts that are not yet perfect. As a result, the baby constantly tears though not crying. "In the newborn screening should be done immediately to prevent pink eye," said Retno. Baby with pink eye should immediately return two weeks after it is detected. This is to look at the process of healing and treatment of babies. 

Treatment of eye diseases are distinguished based on the cause. The infection because the virus can be given a bitter taste eye drops or artificial tears. While the infection because bacteria can be given a treatment of eye drops or eye ointment, according to degree of severity. "It is important not to add reaction to infection because it polished," said Retno. Maintain the cleanliness of the main keys to prevent pink eye. Retno suggest to wash hands before and after the occupation. Sufferers may not be mutually borrowed towels, handkerchiefs, pillowcases, eye drops and medications. The use of disposable wipes are more advisable than a handkerchief to prevent transmission of the bacteria and viruses. Retno also recommend that child are exposed to pink eye does not enter school less than a week, to the treatment process.


Can Our Children Wear Contact Lenses?

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Contact lens is another alternative in addition to glasses to correct vision. The kids are actually able to wear contact lenses, especially children aged over 8 years and was to be responsible for the contact lens hygiene. If the child does not like to wear glasses and want to use contact lenses, make sure they understand the risk if hygiene is not maintained. Consult the doctor eyes contact lens type is best according to eye disorders experienced by children. Avoid buying contact lenses at cosmetic stores or shopping center. 

"A dirty Lens can be a hive of bacteria and potentially interfere with the health of the eye, for example the eyes so red or itchy," said Dr. Tri Rahayu, SP. M from Jakarta Eye Center in Kedoya branch Jakarta, Saturday (15/6/13). In children, the use of contact lenses can also enhance their self-confidence. However, contact lenses in children is generally used to correct disorders of the eye, such as nystagmus or eyeballs move without remote control, low vision, or for anisometropia. 

For kids, Tri suggest contact lenses made from silicone. He thinks this material lowers the risk of infected bacteria up to five percent compared with a lens made from hidrogel. "Important must be replaced every day. The wearing of contact lenses clean, keep it short term than long term use, "he said. In addition to how to wear it, teach children how to clean, also store contact lenses, to pay attention to the expiration date of the lens.


Some Parents Mistake When Treating Their Son

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Parents certainly want the best for her son's health. But sometimes the decision is made to treat thus endangering the child. Recognize six common mistakes parents here so you don't do it on the fruit of the heart.

1. Using the wrong allergy medication
Pediatrician and Chairman of the American Academy of Pediatrics Committe on Drugs Dr. Daniel Frattarelli said many parents are wrong to use drugs to treat allergies. Treatment should only use antihistamines, but often coupled with oral nasal steroid drugs should not be in order.

2. Too much give a dose of medicine
Provide the right medicine dosage for children is sometimes hard to do. According to a study in the journal JAMA, 98 percent of drugs sold freely has inconsistency argument dose should be given.The solution is, parents need to know the weight of the child because the child's medications at doses determined from his weight than from age. Parents can consult the proper drug dose for a child with a doctor. In addition, make sure you measure out the size of the spoon as suggested.

3. Treat fever
When children experience fever, parents should not need to panic and try to lower the fever went by all means. Fever is the body's natural way to help the immune system fight off disease. The higher the temperature of the fever does not mean more seriously ill children.However, parents need to be vigilant when children are aged less than three months and a fever above 38 degrees Celsius. Immediately contact your pediatrician because of a fever that can impact seriously.

4. Treat flu
Experts recommend that children aged less than 5 years do not need to be given the flu and cough medicines because of drug that too often can cause harmful side effects. But a survey conducted by the University of Michigan revealed that 40 percent of parents give their children drugs still being cold.To reduce flu symptoms, parents could give a warm soup to relieve flu symptoms. Some early studies also show honey quite effectively reduce complaints of cough in children.

5. Does not comply with a prescription
Recipe provided by pediatricians have been taken into account to provide optimal treatment for the child. Does not comply with prescribed instead would give unwanted effects. For example antibiotics, if not spent will lead to bacterial resistance.

6. Diagnose over the internet
The Internet today has become a source of knowledge for solving many problems, including health issues. In fact, the Pew Internet and American Life Project found 35 percent of adults use the internet to diagnose their own illness.

According to Wendy Sue Swanson, a pediatrician and a speaker at the Seattle Children's Hospital's Seattle Mama Doc Blog, get information from the internet to diagnose disease may actually be done. Provided that, through a trusted site that is managed by the health workforce experts. In addition, the advice of every pediatrician is not always the same, then the best thing is to go directly to the doctor to get a diagnosis and the best advice.

Do U Know ? Handsome and Pretty People Are More Successful At Work

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Like it or not, someone's appearance turned out to affect how he was treated at work. Workers who look physically appealing, easier gets promotion. Meanwhile, workers with unattractive physical appearance, more often to bully. The physical appearance of greater effect on how one is treated, rather than age, sex, and duration of work in the Office. "It turns out the same work environment like at school. Although the workers think himself professional and mature, "said researcher Brent Scott from Michigan State University. 

The study was conducted through a survey of 114 workers at health facilities in the southeastern United States. The respondents were asked how often his fellow workers do unpleasant things on them. Unpleasant behavior is such a rough attitude, speech, or offense created burlesque by colleagues. In addition, a group of people who do not know any of the respondents displayed a photo of the respondent. They were asked to rate the physical appearance of the respondent.Research reveals, workers who look unattractive is treated more harshly than those that are considered attractive. This treatment includes more job and often ignored when there is a promotion. This research is expected to help corporate leaders create an environment which is more conducive to work. Including giving a fair chance on each worker based on the performance of the work, not just his performance.


Do U Know ? Playing Video Games May Improves Your Vision

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Good news for interested in video games. A study of Duke and Brown University have showed that playing video games may improve vision. The study found that the value of visual sensitivity increased among 14 and 40 percent in people who regularly played video games compared to those who did not. The study involved 120 participants. For the following studies, participants were asked to play video games for 13 hours or more each week. Study author Gregory Appelbaum says, this finding is good news considering the improvement of vision can help someone do things better, from the start quickly to identify threats on the road to find the error calculation of business documents. 

Appelbaum explains, playing video games can train a focus sight so that brain can absorbs and analyze visual information quickly. "There are a few specific games to sharpen vision. One type of action, shooting game like Call of Duty is the best game in delivering the benefits of improved eyesight, "he explained. Appelbaum said, when 13 hours is too much for you, then play the game in a less likely can remains useful. Previous studies showed the goalkeeper in football sports can also help improve vision.


Identify The Cause Of The "Uterus Go Down"

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Muscle tissue, ligaments, the skin around the vagina is the organ structure of the complex to keep the pelvic organs and tissues remain in place. The process of pregnancy and childbirth are too often could make the pelvic organs shift or lay it with the term "half off" or "down the uterus." In the medical world, "down the uterus" called Vaginal prolapse. This condition occurs when the pelvic organs like the uterus, bladder, and rectum, down into the vagina evens pubes out of the organ. 
According to dr.Ivan, SP. OG of RS, mother of vaginal prolapse, due to the weakening of the muscles of the uterus occurs because a buffer increasing the weight of the uterus during pregnancy. The weakening of the muscles supporting the uterus itself is actually a natural process that occurs in a woman's body in order to ease the process of childbirth. "It's just, if the muscles are not back to normal postpartum, the uterus continues to fall until out of the mouth of the vagina," she said. 

There are some symptoms that can indicate the occurrence of the uterus down, among others, felt something was off in the vagina, it feels like there is a bearing in the vagina, difficulty walking, bleeding, to difficult urination or defecation. Each pregnancy has a risk of vaginal prolapse. However there are several types of high risk pregnancies, which are as follows. 
1. Multiple pregnancy 
Pregnancy with two or more fetal uterus causes more weight. It also results in a buffer the uterine muscles weakened so that it increases the risk of vaginal prolapse. 
2. The size of a baby 
Almost the same as the twin pregnancy, a large baby size causes the muscles of the uterus growing weak .
3. The process of the birth
The process of birth is said to be long if it lasts more than 24 hours. During childbirth, the muscles supporting the uterus open and consequently weakened, if the process is too long will result in reduced muscle elasticity and the harder it is to get back to normal. 
4. Pregnancy too often 
The more pregnant then the more muscular uterine buffer experience attenuation and increases the risk of vaginal prolapse. 
5. The use of vacuum 
Vacuum tools used to simplify the process of discharge of a baby from the womb, because there is a certain cause of things. But the vacuum tool can also interfere with the power of the muscles supporting the uterus. 

Ivan explained, need for postpartum compensation to strengthen back muscles of the uterus to prevent buffer vaginal prolapse. One of them is the direct train Kegel, an exercises for muscles. "It's easy, can be done by yourself. You only control the pubic muscles to close and hold it a couple of seconds with at least ten repetitions. Do every morning when it will start activities, "he said. If vaginal prolapse, has already happened then vaginal repair is required depending on the symptoms. Actions that can be performed include uroginekologis, operation, and installation of a sling or anchoring which is inserted into the urinary tract.


Some Errors In Educating Children For Doing "Toilet Training"

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Teach the child to use the toilet correctly does need special tricks. Parents have to recognize when a child is truly ready to be taught "potty training". The attitude of the parents could force badly for child development. Dr. Steve Hodges, a specialist in urology at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center says, there are some common mistakes parent make when doing toilet training. The mistake was not only causing child feel depressed but could also interfere with health. Here are a few mistake that are often made parents. 

1. Too early 
There is no definite time when children need to be taught toilet training. But it is too early make toilet training can be dangerous because children aged less than three years generally have not had the ability to decide when to go to the toilet. 
Hodges said, for children aged less than three years, holding the waste water will cause some problems such as bedwetting and forming capacity for the bladder. Parents need to pay attention to the signs when the little one is ready to accept the toilet training, among other things, he already has a good motor ability, is able to understand the term waste water, being able to tell a parent when about to relieve himself, and so on. 

2. Not getting used 
Often parents just do toilet training but are not followed by teaching the habit to go to the toilet. Hodges said, should parents can schedule for waste water, for example, about every two hours. In order for the activities in the toilet a more pleasant for children, he said, parents can set up small toys in the toilet so that they are more interested and at home in the toilet to "affair back" done. 

3. A Diet lacking in fiber 
Fiber not only needed by adults, but also the little one. Fiber is needed in order to streamline the process of waste water. The process of waste water that will smoothly facilitate toilet training activities. 

4. Not aware of constipation 
More than 30 percent of children ages 2 to 10 years experience constipation. But parents often don't realize it because the symptoms are different from adults. "In children, there are differences in the definition of constipation. Constipation is when the child shit rectum pressing problem resulting in bladder incontinent and other problems, "said Hodges. 
Symptoms of constipation in children is less bowel movements, bowel movements, bowel movements in the pants, and mild pain in the stomach with no apparent cause. 

5. Ignore infection 
Urinary tract infections may occur at the little one, then the parent should pay attention to the symbols. Pain during urination, frequent urination, and there is blood in the urine is a symptom. If parents find it, immediately take your little one to the doctor.


Beware Of The Use Of Talc Powder In The Sex Organ

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Risk of cancer due to the habit of wearing powder sow in sex organs was not a myth. A study in Boston, us, mention use sow, the powder around the sex organs increase the risk of cancer to 24 percent. It was certainly alarming because quite a lot of women who are accustomed to using powder sow to keep sex organs remain dry and fresh. According to the researchers, the fine particles of talc sow can enter the body and cause inflammation that triggered the growth of cancer cells. This research was done the doctor from the hospital Brigham and women's Hospital in Boston and published in the journal Cancer Prevention Search. The method of this research is to analyze the previous research regarding the link 8 powder sow and cancer. Such methods could produce a stronger evidence than one individual study. 

Research done to 8.525 women diagnosed with ovarian cancer. This Data is then compared with the use of talc sow at 9,800 women who are cancer-free. As a result, the use of sow powder increases the risk of ovarian cancer by up to 24 percent. But researchers cautioned, this result applies only to sow powder used in the intimate, not in other parts of the body. The powder is made from the mineral smooth sow called hydrous magnesium silicate. The Mineral is crushed, dried, and milled to produce powder used in cosmetics. Some experts say, the chemical content of powder materials have in common with asbestos. Asbestos causing deadly lung cancer called mesothelioma. 

These small particles were discovered ' walking ' through Groove and found on the sex organs in the pelvis. This material can stay in the body for a long time. When this powder particles in lungs, it can take 8 years to eliminate it. Ovarian cancer itself is often referred to as the "silent killer" because of his new show symptoms if it enters an advanced stage.

Eat Behavior At The Age Of 3 Years Can Affect The Risk Of Heart Illness

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Cardiovascular disease is one of the biggest causes of death. The disease is usually detected when a personturned up.However, recent research experts from St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, Canada, indicates, the risk of suffering from heart pain may be detected early on. Research shows, what is consumed by children at the age of 3 years can determine their risk of having a heart ache later on. The research, published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal that stated, the effect of a bad diet can be directly seen since the age of childhood. It appears to be from increased levels of cholesterol — as one indicator of the risk of heart illness — in children aged 3 to 5 years. 

In the study, researchers analyzed data on preschool age children 1,076. A number of factors such as age, gender, weight at birth, gestasional diabetes, body mass index (BMI), and ethnicity of parents into account. Investigators want to know whether there is a relationship between diet and serum cholesterol levels in non-HDL (non-high density lipoprotein) which is a marker of heart disease risk. Research shows, children's eating patterns are associated with increases in cholesterol levels in non-HDL. This indicates that the intervention for the prevention of heart disease should have been made at the early age. 

"Our research shows that the relationship between diet and cardiovascular risk appeared early in life, and can be a potential target for early intervention. Eating patterns as reported parents dealing positively with the non-HDL cholesterol levels in children aged 3-5 years, "said the researcher, Dr. Navindra Persaud. According to him, the results of these studies support the importance of intervention efforts reasons aimed at improving children's eating patterns in the preschool age.


How To Predict An IQ Baby From His Weight

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An increase in body weight in newborn babies, especially in the first month of age, it is related to the child's level of intelligence (IQ). Added baby weight quickly, so does the circumference of the head, tend to have higher IQ scores in school age. According to a research team from the University of Adelaide, Australia. This research was conducted to 13,800 baby born normal. From this study, the researchers found, the baby's weight goes up 40 percent in the first month of age have a higher IQ than that just went up 15 percent. This resulted in increased levels of 1.5 points higher IQ. 

"Overall, the babies have an increased weight at 4 weeks first have higher IQ scores in the future," said thehead of research, Dr Lisa Smithers. Children with high weight reached verbal IQ score is greater at the age of 6 years. A child with a large head circumference sizes also have the highest IQ at the age of 6 years. "Head circumference is an indicator of the volume of the brain. Increased head circumference is greater in the newborn indicates the growth of the brain more quickly, "said Smithers. This may be due to nerve structures related to developing faster-speaking intelligence in the age of the baby. Therefore, an increase in weight in the newborn was influential on the development of the cognitive aspects directly. Smither said, further study will focus on how well to feed a newborn. "We know some moms are having difficulty giving BREAST MILK to infants in the first weeks of life. When repaired quickly, certainly a better result, "Smither said.

Learn About The Teeth Whitening At Your Home

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Smile accompanied with white teeth is certainly better to be seen. However, the brilliant color of teeth may be lost along with the age, food, drink, or smoking habit.A lot of how to restore the color of white teeth, including we can do yourself at home. We recommend that you first learn some dental whitening device and adjust to your needs.

1. Teeth whitening can be used alone
There are some teeth whitening products that are sold in pharmacies and can be used on its own. But there are some things you should keep in mind, related content of bleach in it that can be dangerous if the exposed gums. Active content in these products can lighten yellow teeth. As for the stain in and should do at the dentist.

2. Teeth whitening Devices (tooth-whitening kits)
Teeth whitening device contains peroxide and carbamide was used to remove stains that are deep enough on the surface of the tooth. If the color of your teeth change because too often sipping coffee, this product can be used. However, this product can change the color of the original tooth.In general this product made from gel. You can use a small brush or a shelf that looks like a mold of teeth, to apply this gel. This device should be used every 30 to 45 minutes a day, for a week.

3. Plaster bleach (home whitening strips)
This thin plaster, not clearly visible, and covered gel peroxide. Plaster can be used a few hours a day for a week or more depending on the stains on the teeth. The results will be visible in a few days and the longest one year after use. The result is not as fast as the whitening kits form the plaster products, yet very easy to use.

4. Whitening toothpaste
Whitening toothpaste does not change the original color of the teeth. These devices contain a chemical that is lightweight, and able to brighten teeth. It took long enough to get a brighter tooth colour.

5. Baking soda and brush your teeth
Some people prefer the old way to whiten teeth. Use baking soda and brush your teeth will slowly whiten teeth. This way is easier and practical use while at home.

Teeth whitening users have fillings or put false teeth should be careful. The bleach will not brighten the color of artificial teeth because it's the original and fake teeth color would look much different. To make the original tooth color with artificial teeth, should consult first with the dentist.