A Healthy Drink to Achieve An Ideal Weight

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HealthyPatterns - Have a diet menu variations to achieve ideal body target you want is important. This includes providing variations on the drink you consume. At the moment, an awful lot of drinks that are sold in the market with a high sugar content, complete with coloring and artificial sweeteners are not clear origin. This of course has an adverse effect on the health of the body, and we are not going to be at the maximum with the condition continues to consume the drinks. 

Here there are five natural and healthy drinks you can consume diet to maximize the yield and improve your health. 

Orange Juice 
Favorite drink that can be made as the variation in diet menu is orange juice Orange juice has a natural freshness and easy in that they are presented. In addition, orange juice is rich in vitamin C and healthy fitonutrisi. eight ounces of orange juice is equivalent to the content of potassium in bananas. With so many vitamins and nutrients in it, orange juice has believed many people can lower high blood pressure. 

Apple Juice 
Apple Juice drink that should be present in Your diet menu. Serving Apple Juice did not need extra sugar because the sugar content of Apple has enough to get a taste of sweetness. Fresh Apple Juice contains many beneficial vitamins and minerals. Malic acid contained in apples may become additional power during the exercise. The old saying "an apple a day can keep the doctor away ' has stood the test of truth, after many clinical researches that proves that Apple can prevents heart disease and lowering cholesterol. 

Cranberry Juice 
The other is the healthiest drink cranberry juice. The ability of antioxidants contained in cranberry juice have been known for a long time, i.e. as a treatment for urine tract infection. Acidic properties of cranberry juice could inhibit the growth of bacteria causes infection. Cranberry juice diet menu can get you in a fit condition every day. 

Red Grape Juice 
Red wine contains approximately 175 calories in each serving of 8 ounces. The red grape skins contain resveratol compounds that are believed to have the ability to prevent cancer. Content of resveratol in red wine more than white wine. In addition, red wine is a fruit that is rich in potassium and vitamin C to support the success of your diet. 

Tomato Juice 
Tomato juice drink is most popular amongst dieters because it contains only 45 calories and a variety of essential nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C and lycopene, beta-carotene which is useful to keep eye health and increase durability of the body. 

In addition to the above, drink you can also combine several fruit and vegetable such as mango, pineapple, carrots, and spinach. By combining fresh fruits and vegetables, and of course, the health benefits that You will get a lot more. 

Enjoy your healthy menus and healthy living.


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