There are still many people who think of heart disease as a disease of the blood vessels and the monopoly of men. In fact, women are also not escaped the disease is not contagious, which became the number one killer. Before menopause, women are more protected from heart disease because the hormone estrogen will give protection against mechanism effect of the flow of blood to and from the heart. Estrogen also dilates the blood vessels so that blood flow smoothly. "However, after the woman is no longer producing estrogen or called the menopause, the risk is affected by heart disease as men," said dr.Priscillia Myriarda, SP. JP, in an event called the talk show to know Women about heart health, held at Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta, Wednesday (27/6/13).
Keep Ur Heart |
Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, according to Priscillia, caused by many factors, including factors of obesity and age. "These conditions are exacerbated by poor eating patterns, rarely moving, and the habit of smoking," he said.Even though heart disease and blood vessels are much experienced older people, but nowadays more and younger people are already affected by stroke or heart pain. "The high intake of fat, salt, and less physical activity, be the cause of sore heart at a young age," he said. Medical examination (medical check-up) on a regular basis, it is highly recommended for men over the age of 40 and women over the age of 50. "Regular inspections enable one know for sure his heart condition. So that it can prepare preventive measures to prevent worsening of the disease, "he said. Besides people over the age of 40 years, Priscillia advocated a young person but have risk factors for heart disease, to begin diligently medical check-ups. The risk factors are, between others, suffer from diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity or smoking. Priscillia refers to the death of presenter Ricky Jo and House members Workplace Massaid. Both are still relatively young age, but died of a heart attack. No need to worry if it is detected as suffering from the heart because it means we can directly do the precautions and lifestyle changes.
Eating patterns
The risk of heart disease and blood vessels can increase if we are experiencing overweight or have a high cholesterol levels. This can be avoided by keeping a diet to stay healthy. "Simple carbohydrates like rice should have a portion of most small in our dinner plate, next is a side dish. The biggest portion was vegetable and fruit, "said consultant nutritionist Dr. Grace Judio-Kahl, in the same event. Fresh vegetable and fruit consumption to four servings per day. "For a side dish to be cooked anything except soaked in oil. Although the essential oils contain no saturated fat, "he said. For fish and meat servings Grace suggested that fragment is not too large. "Pieces of flesh and fish size must not be more than a circle formed of the index finger and thumb. Can be consumed twice a week, "he said. Exercise at least 30 minutes each day to keep the heart and prevent obesity.