Usually to achieve orgasm, everyone doing intimates relationships or at least through sensuous touches from his partner. But the 55-year-old woman was not, himself had an orgasm just with the touch of his feet. This Netherlands woman evens admitted that he could have an orgasm up to six times a day. The sensation of an orgasm that he felt from his left foot, which later spread to the genital area. The orgasm feels the same as her orgasm during sex. Women also do not know how to get him to feel satisfaction that sexual relations should be through it without doing anything. Dailymail (2/7) writes that this woman was the only person who can achieve orgasm with just a touch on his feet.
A Professor of Utrecht University in the Netherlands named Dr. Marcel Waldinger, intrigued by this woman's case later learned the woman's brain MRI scans and a legs. Oddly, there are no lab results anything different or perverted, according to LiveScience reports quoted from Dr. Waldinger was trying to test the right leg and the left side of this woman, it was found that when the woman's foot is stimulated with an electric current, he undergoes an orgasm right off his feet. Dr. Waldinger said that about 18 months before the onset of symptoms, patients admitted to experiencing infection sepsis and spent three weeks time in intensive care. Maybe this is the cause of this woman could feel an orgasm through the touch on his feet. In addition, this woman also had a comma and when recovering from a coma, his legs were often feels tingling. The nerve of this woman does not seem to be able to distinguish where the tingling and where sexual stimulation.This woman is now trying to reduce the sensitivity of his feet by avoiding many touches at his feet. In addition, he also used a thick socks that are not easily aroused and orgasm to many times as before.
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