Obesity is known to be the root cause of many diseases of metabolism. Easy it is to get people to eat, but not enough physical activity, resulting in increased prevalence of obesity worldwide. Whereas, in fact, obesity can be fought by eating vegetables and fruit on a regular basis. However, it is certainly offset by businesses set up diet and exercising more and physical activity. According to experts, clinical nutrition, Dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono, vegetable and fruit can keep the body's metabolism so that it helps avoid problems with metabolism. Impaired metabolism and obesity are the two things are closely interrelated. Both have a causal relationship. That is, the metabolism is compromised it could lead to obesity and vice versa.
While vegetables and fruit, said Fiastuti, containing nutritional substances that are essential for maintaining healthy metabolism. Vegetables and fruits contain vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, E, folic acid, zinc, magnesium, calcium, and potassium that helps balance the body's systems that work. Beside, he added, vegetable and fruit also contain fiber, which is very beneficial to digestion. With a good digestive system, the body will more easily absorb nutritional substances and discard the leftovers. "The fibers contained in vegetable and fruit also helps the body to satiety for longer. With a sense of satiety is longer, the body will likely not interested in high-calorie foods that are easy to put on weight, "said Fiastuti. Not only that, fiber helps keep blood sugar levels in order not jumped dramatically after meals. That's why vegetables and fruit can prevents diabetes is also closely associated with obesity.
While vegetables and fruit, said Fiastuti, containing nutritional substances that are essential for maintaining healthy metabolism. Vegetables and fruits contain vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, E, folic acid, zinc, magnesium, calcium, and potassium that helps balance the body's systems that work. Beside, he added, vegetable and fruit also contain fiber, which is very beneficial to digestion. With a good digestive system, the body will more easily absorb nutritional substances and discard the leftovers. "The fibers contained in vegetable and fruit also helps the body to satiety for longer. With a sense of satiety is longer, the body will likely not interested in high-calorie foods that are easy to put on weight, "said Fiastuti. Not only that, fiber helps keep blood sugar levels in order not jumped dramatically after meals. That's why vegetables and fruit can prevents diabetes is also closely associated with obesity.
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