What if a woman suffers from asthma and pregnant can cause asthma gets worse? Maybe it was the one question that arose in the minds of women who suffered asthma when the woman wants to get pregnant and have children. If you are one of such-minded woman, you may feel a little relieved for the moment. Based on webmd.com site, until now no one could prove it correct answer from that question. So this has not been definitely happen to you who want to get pregnant when you have an asthma. According to several women who had been pregnant with asthma, they argued that the suffering asthma get worse when they are pregnant. However, there is also the income that they experienced asthma remains the same as it was before he went through pregnancy.
In General, if before pregnancy asthma which You suffered a severe, then when you go through pregnancy, asthma condition you will be a little worse. On the other hand, if before you conceive Your asthma condition is in good shape, then during pregnancy asthma which You suffered will not be worse. Asthma is not a reason for women not to conceive. However, if before conceiving Your asthma condition worsened, try to consult Your doctor beforehand, so that you feel a subdued while undergoing pregnancy.
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