Never injured scratch on the skin? Many people think that everyone had the same ability to heal physical injuries (unless diabetics are more difficult to dry out wounds on the skin). In fact, every person has a different rate to heal cuts, depending on how happy they are. The happy one, the faster the healing of wounds. This fact was revealed in a study conducted of Ohio State University, offered by The research carried out on 37 pairs. Their daily activities are recorded in video cameras, including the conversation.
The volunteers made a tiny scratch wounds on the hands. Their activities continue to be recorded for 12 days. The couple rarely or even never fight, scratch their wounds heal faster than the pair frequently argue. The healing speed difference is believed to be due to the influence of the oxytocin hormone or hormones of happiness. These hormones will strengthen the immune system. Because of that, a happy families tend to be more healthy than families who often have quarrels.
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